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No good at call can come. It's been a while now. She broke up with you because she wanted to move on. I'm sure she cares enough about you to want you to move on too.


If you try to contact her now, it will really piss her off. She will consider it an annoyance, an irritation. I know this is really very painful for you. I didn't have any say in the way love works. How something so wonderful could be so terribly painful as well...I just don't know.


You are going through a little relapse now. Maybe it's the holidays. Those always suck if you are without the person you were with for a long time. You have to surround yourself with friends, family and activities to get through them.


You are going to have to come to grips with the fact that this is over. As long as you devote your heart's energy to loving her and missing her, you will not heal and you will not make room to love another. I looked back at some of your posts of the last few months. You even wrote that you just couldn't bring yourself to become involved with other ladies. You never will until you get this ex out of your mind. As long as she is in your mind, your mind will be fooled into thinking she is still around. She is GONE...that's G-O-N-E.


If you keep your ex on your mind like this, you will never, ever get over her...never.


So get yourself together, for your sake. Start getting really pissed at your ex. Work up some anger. When you do that, you can feel really good...because that's a sign you will be nearly over her.


Don't try to hold on to the past. It's very much gone, finished, over, done, past. Holding on to the past is like trying to hold on to a handful of air.

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I just want to tell her how much I love and miss her. Can any good come from trying to talk to her? She hasn't contacted me....I miss her



sometimes when we are in relationships we forget about what we really enjoy doing for ourselves, we forget what we use to do because our relationship has taken that time away, why don't you try and go out, 15 years ago i was into stocks, real estate, and education , after being with someone for 12 years i forgot what i use to like and i felt very lost on my own


i started to go for walks, then i started to read about companys and the stocks. try and remember what it was that kept you happy before meeting her and start it again, believe me it works. you will also find that you will meet people that have the same intrests as you.


best of luck



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i would love to tell my ex how much i love him and miss him, but the reality of it is - not a thing will change. i feel so lost without my ex, but i have no choice but to try and move on. it is a struggle though. it's a struggle to move on from this person who was also your best friend, but if we contacted them and told them how we feel, we would still be in the same situation as we are now. we would not have gotten anywhere.


i know how you feel jeremy, because my ex hasn't contacted me either, and it hurts everday. but if he wanted to, he would. i will just have to live with the pain of this, because i will probably only make things worse if i try, and the fact is, nothing will change, no matter how much i wish to god it would. i will hang up that phone, and still love him and miss him, and what's changed? nothing. things will be said that will unfairly get my hopes up, or things will be said that will probably make me feel worse.


you don't have to move on straight away. you need to take time to deal with your feelings and the sooner you do, the sooner you will find yourself moving on. i will always love my ex, but i know that someday in the future, someone will come along who i will love again too. be positive about your new life now, and you will make some happy new discoveries along the way. it's a journey we all have to face some time in our lives, it is painful, but if we don't try and move on, we will never be happy again and we could be missing out on such special opportunities.

I just want to tell her how much I love and miss her. Can any good come from trying to talk to her? She hasn't contacted me....I miss her



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As you know, I have been following your story since you have begun to post on the LoveShack. You are definitely having a relapse. But just as with the drug addict, who wants to go out and have one more fix, you have to say "No" to yourself, because it will only do you harm. I am sorry you are suffering, but cold turkey is the only way to go in this case.,


This girl dumped you and she was not very nice about it. When you want to express your love to her, it is all about what is going on inside your own head. It is not mutual. You are crying out to the one person who cannot help you. She is not coming back, no matter how sincere your declarations of love are.


She engineered this breakup and she is not at your doorstep right now asking forgiveness and begging you to take her back. Therefore, you must be brave and resist the impulse to roll at her feet in your pain. She is not feeling that pain and she will only see it as a Royal Pain.


This is the universe telling you to love someone who will love you back.

i would love to tell my ex how much i love him and miss him, but the reality of it is - not a thing will change. i feel so lost without my ex, but i have no choice but to try and move on. it is a struggle though. it's a struggle to move on from this person who was also your best friend, but if we contacted them and told them how we feel, we would still be in the same situation as we are now. we would not have gotten anywhere.


i know how you feel jeremy, because my ex hasn't contacted me either, and it hurts everday. but if he wanted to, he would. i will just have to live with the pain of this, because i will probably only make things worse if i try, and the fact is, nothing will change, no matter how much i wish to god it would. i will hang up that phone, and still love him and miss him, and what's changed? nothing. things will be said that will unfairly get my hopes up, or things will be said that will probably make me feel worse. you don't have to move on straight away. you need to take time to deal with your feelings and the sooner you do, the sooner you will find yourself moving on. i will always love my ex, but i know that someday in the future, someone will come along who i will love again too. be positive about your new life now, and you will make some happy new discoveries along the way. it's a journey we all have to face some time in our lives, it is painful, but if we don't try and move on, we will never be happy again and we could be missing out on such special opportunities.


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