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Career Choices?

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What types of careers/jobs do you guys have, and do they feel make you feel important?


I've always been one to want to help people, but I've come to terms that the pre-med path isn't for me. Lately, I've been contemplating teaching, for I feel that I love explaining things to people, but am not sure if that's something I want to do. I feel that it would make me feel important, for I would be helping form tomorrow's minds.


This is the main career goal I've had since I dropped the pre-med moniker.


Any tips as to what one should do in order to find a career they might enjoy?


If I posted this in the wrong part of the site, I apologize.



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i also love teaching people but i was able to do it without being a teacher. i'm now a recreation coach/motivational speaker. but being a teacher is really a great path too. i've grown to respect a lot of teachers.

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I m working as purchasing assistant at a electronic scrap recycling company. Unfortunately, I do not enjoy my job one bit. The only good thing about my job is my co-workers. :(


Wanting to go back to school again.

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What types of careers/jobs do you guys have, and do they feel make you feel important?


My previous career in advertising made me feel important but not in a particularly healthy way.


What I'm doing now is more soul-satisfying, and that's important to me.


I've always been one to want to help people, but I've come to terms that the pre-med path isn't for me. Lately, I've been contemplating teaching, for I feel that I love explaining things to people, but am not sure if that's something I want to do. I feel that it would make me feel important, for I would be helping form tomorrow's minds.


This is the main career goal I've had since I dropped the pre-med moniker.


Any tips as to what one should do in order to find a career they might enjoy?

There are rows of career guidance books in bookstores (try Amazon for a peek) exactly for this purpose.

Some use one's values to determine what career may be a good fit.

Then, as January suggested, try volunteering or interning to see if the reality meets the fantasy.


Also, if you're still college-affiliated, consider dropping by its career center which may have testing kits for career seekers.


Good luck.

Edited by cerridwen
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What types of careers/jobs do you guys have, and do they feel make you feel important?


I'll be starting a new job next week driving a truck.

I drove for a different company last year. It's very lonely on the road and the work schedule is quite irregular.

Definitely not something that I want to do for very long. Hopefully I can get a job in my field (medical lab. tech) or something similar, where I can be home more often and have some social life. Unfortunately, for now I have no choice.


I've always been one to want to help people, but I've come to terms that the pre-med path isn't for me. Lately, I've been contemplating teaching, for I feel that I love explaining things to people, but am not sure if that's something I want to do. I feel that it would make me feel important, for I would be helping form tomorrow's minds.


This is the main career goal I've had since I dropped the pre-med moniker.


Any tips as to what one should do in order to find a career they might enjoy?


There are lots of books about making a career choice online and in bookstores.

Likewise, there may be some career counseling programs in your area.

My career counselor has helped me a lot figuring out what I wanted to do.

Wishing you all the best and good luck.

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