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Is it cheating?

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My partner and I had been kinda dating / hooking up for a week. After which we broke up temporarily and said our goodbyes. In this week I had a drunken one night stand which I regretted at the time as well as now.


However, my partner and I got back together after this week apart. Is this cheating and should I tell them?

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I agree with the other posters. And it's non of his business. You two were on a break (As Ross puts it to Rachel on Friends) but anyway yes, you were not together at all.

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MMmmm yes technically its not cheating BUT I personally would like to know if anything did happen in the time we where apart. Im not sure why I feel like this. Maybe its because I prefer to be open and honest with partners. If it was the other way round would you like to know?



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Originally posted by spanishlover

MMmmm yes technically its not cheating BUT I personally would like to know if anything did happen in the time we where apart. Im not sure why I feel like this. Maybe its because I prefer to be open and honest with partners. If it was the other way round would you like to know?


I think that it's that persons responsibility to let the other person know if he/she did not use protection because there can always be consequences. Since they were only broken up for one week it would really hurt her partner to find out later for different reasons other than her being honest with him.


My opinion changes when it comes to someone you just started dating, they have no reason to know, unless you want them to know!

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Yes i agree if its someone you just started to date then there is no reason to tell them. But as you said it many diffrent elements come into it if she should tell her partner or not. Honesty is one for me but in a lot of peoples cases its not.


If you want a straight answer NO its not cheating.


Also, something to think about as well. say you did pick an STD from a 1 night stand and you didnt tell your partner that while you had this break you slept with someone and didnt tell them untill they actually turned round and mentioned that they have found something wrong with "bits". then it wouled be 100 times worse. Honesty is the best policy.




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i dont know if you should say hey hunny remember that week we were broken up...



but i think that if he asks you who youve slept with or any question that you shouldnt lie or hide this guy.


if he find out you can then say- we werent together so i didnt think it was cheating.

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Starbuck Queen

My BF did the same thing to me. He broke up with me,but I did not want to break up. He slept with some girl in the week we were supposedly broken up and won't admit that this was wrong. So technically if you were not together than it was not cheating, but criminals get off on technicalities....


PS can you tell I'm bitter ;)

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Originally posted by jackrow

My partner and I had been kinda dating / hooking up for a week. After which we broke up temporarily and said our goodbyes. In this week I had a drunken one night stand which I regretted at the time as well as now.


However, my partner and I got back together after this week apart. Is this cheating and should I tell them?


I don't think it was cheating.

Yet I believe that the right thing to do would be to tell your partner (even if you had protected sex and *expecially* if you didn't).

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