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I was wondering what a person should do when he/she is infatuated with someone else? I happen to be in that sticky situation, plus it's with a guy who I barely talk to and can't help but admire. Would it be "wierd" for me to ask this guy to an upcoming social event? I've flirted with him for a while, though it was a bit indirectly.

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1. "I was wondering what a person should do when he/she is infatuated with someone else?"


Enjoy it. Flirt with the person, see what response you get. You say you've been doing some of that so you're already off to a good start in your case. Talk to him, get to know him better. In your case, try to get some information about this guy from others who may know him better. Find out about the neighborhood or area of town he lives. Gather information you can use in conversations with him.


Infatuation is nice. And if you can turn it into something more, that's even better. You owe it to yourself to give it a try. Women know intuitively how to flirt but in the event you run out of techniques, talk to some of your girlfriends.


2. "Would it be "wierd" for me to ask this guy to an upcoming social event?"


Not at all. Start a conversation with him. It would probably be better if you've talked to him a few times before you ask...but it's not necessary. Just tell him you are going to party, concert, Christmas festival or whatever and you would enjoy it if he joined you for the evening. If he has a girlfriend, he may decline but that's OK too. He'll remember you if something every happens with that. But if he's not seeing anyone, he will be very impressed that you asked...if he's any kind of decent guy.


If he doesn't have a car, he may be a little embarassed by not being able to pick you up. Be prepared to deal with that.


Once you have asked him out and he accepts, then the pursuing should be out of your hands. If he doesn't initiate conversations, calls, etc. with you after that and doesn't ask YOU out again, then you need to move on to someone who may be more experienced or more interested.


But keep on flirting. It's a great way to show men you are interested...and by all means don't hesitate to ask them out to events if you like. A lot of men are very shy and scared to death of rejection. If you do the initial asking, that often takes a lot of the heat off the guy.

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Infatuation is an enjoyable state. It can be sticky if the person is already attached or works with you. So first, find out if he is with someone already. If not and he works with you, tell yourself that if you ask him out and he says "No" you will still be professional in all your dealings with him.


I was wondering what a person should do when he/she is infatuated with someone else? I happen to be in that sticky situation, plus it's with a guy who I barely talk to and can't help but admire. Would it be "wierd" for me to ask this guy to an upcoming social event? I've flirted with him for a while, though it was a bit indirectly.
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