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Depersonalization Disorder-what is it?

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Does anyone know anything about depersonalization disorder, which is different from an anxiety attack? I read somewhere that sometimes being in a relationship that lasted for years (long, drawn-out and unhappy) and full of uncertainty, misunderstandings, etc. can be a cause of depersonalization disorder. Is it sort of like being disoriented, without being on drugs? One person described it as if other people were not real. In addition, it seems to happen most when people are alone, rather than when they are with other people. Any info. on this disorder will be greatly appreciated!

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If you are feeling this way, please seek counseling. That's really scary. I can relate to that "out of it" feeling, when my panic and anxiety attacks were at their worst, I had that out of body, out of it, dissociation feeling and all it did was lead to more panic. Totally freaked me out and I thought I was going crazy. Obviously I wasn't and with the help of a really good therapist who specialized in cognitive behaviour therapy, I learned specific tools on how to fight it and deal/cope with it a more positive and healthier way.


Best thing is total distraction! It's weird how it happens when one is by themselves.

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This happened to me after an incident with soft drugs. I was totally messed up for awhile after that, and my actual being has become more "depersonalized" in general.. I'd get help if I were you, OP, although I doubt I could be helped for that, really.

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