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To the one who hurt me...

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Things i want to say to the person that hurt me. This is just a rant.... I thought when i lost this extra weight i would meet the one. then ...There you were. I wasnt expecting you to be my friend. You were. I didnt like you at first but you grew on me. We grew on each other as i got thinner and thinner. Ill never forget our first kiss. Unexpected and lovely. The way you held me and told me that you really cared. It lasted a few months each time the physical sessions got more intense. Then you told me you couldnt be in a relationship. I still hoped. I hoped and hoped. and hoped But it cant be. I never thought this would end. I never thought it could END It but you gave me the perfect reason. You met someone new just to meet them. Just the way we met.. on the internet...Maybe you met them to see if you really cared about me. Maybe you met them because you wanted to feel special too see if i would fight for you. But i will fight no longer. You tell me that you care nothing more than about our friendship. That you will meet no one else if it makes me content. but i cant and i wont.. i will take my self from this situation. I must for my own sanity. So this is goodbye. I broke both our hearts because you needed a friend and i needed more. Its over. Be strong...

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I never forget the day you walked into the laundromat and our eyes met. I saw that right there and there, I wanted you. You were everything I wanted. I saw so much that we could have done. Then you started turning our friendship into control when I confessed my feelings to you and you blew me off. I feel so much hurt that after that you never reply no more, that you walked across the street with different guys just to prove that you're seeing someone. I am so hurt but through that darkness, a little light glows and I am grabbing it. I am holding on to that light to pull me out of this darkness. Time can only heal this wound. I will make it in this world and come back to show you what I am made of. Patience is my friend. You gonna carry that Weight.....

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There you were, beautiful green eyes, soft, velvet black hair. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you, you were so cute. I took you home,

made you dinner. We sat in front of the fireplace, I was running my fingers through your hair, over your feline curves. I delighted in your purrs of pleasure.


I got up to get some wine, and when I came back, and there you were, you little pussycat s***. Raking your claws into my expensive couch. Next time I'm getting me a dog!

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