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not sure what to make of situation with fwbs?

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So I've got two (seperate) friends with benefits... we have sex , but we also hang out, occasionally go on dates, etc, but of course we are clear the relationship is strictly casual and there is no potential for a long term relationship.


Anyway, there's this club night (where I actually met both these guys), and after a few months of FWB situation, it turned out all three of us were going to the same night (a situation i've never experienced before FYI). Now beforehand, Guy A told me he couldnt hook up with anyone as his recent ex would be there and it wouldnt be right, so I told him about Guy B and we both were cool with me dancing with /kissing him that night.


Anyway, so the night comes, and turns out Guy A's ex is not there and wants to dance. So I got into a bit of a confusion. I wanted to be with Guy A during the night, as I see him less and this was the first time i was at this kind of party with him. But felt it wouldnt be fair on Guy B. So I was a bit confused and sad (dunno why) , and Guy B asked why. I told him this other guy I was seeing was here too, and I wasn't sure what to do. I told him I hadn't come with the guy (which would have made things easier ofc). Well Guy B told me it was cool, I'm not his girl, so I can hook up with whomever I want, and that it was 'bad' that I got a tad upset over this...


Well then I tried to explain, that if it was me, and I saw him at a party hooking up with someone else, I would be a bit upset. Mostly because, I'd want to dance with him (I'd rather be with a guy I know and like rather than a randomer), so would feel let down if he was off with another chick. It's not that i have a problem with him seeing other chicks ; I'd just rather not have it rubbed in my face so to speak.



Anyway, what I'm trying to ask is..how common are the feelings I felt? I know they're irrational, and I know that if, in the future, I was at a night, and saw either of these two guys hooking up with a girl, I would maybe feel a little dejected but ultimately it'd be cool, because they're doing nothing wrong and jealousy is an extremely detrimental emotion.

HOWEVER, was it wrong of me to want to make sure they were each ok with it? Were my feelings on the matter a women vs men issue or, a me vs the world issue? lol i.e can anyone relate?

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