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A short man is not equivalent to an overweight woman.


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I'm tired about hearing women talk about how tall men are God's gift to women everywhere and how a tall guy lights her panties on fire just because he's tall.



Stop basing your real world perceptions based on the opinions you read from females on Loveshack.


Go out and mingle. Not every woman cares about height, especially if you are charming, can make her laugh/feel good, and if you're about something in life... other than getting girls in bed, of course.


You'd be better off if you didn't take everything said on this message board so seriously, and instead, live a little more. Open up to others in real life. Be vulnerable. Put yourself out there.


It's amazing what a person will learn if they just try.

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Short is not your problem. It is your excuse.


Yes, it is the ONE thing you can't control. But what about all the other things that you CAN control? Why not change those? Those are the things that make you equal to a woman who can't get a date. Not your height. A short, attractive man who is very comfortable mixing with women will do just fine.

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Then you must be doing something to actively turn women off.


Being tall is already easy mode.


If I was 5'10, right now I'd either be married or having a few girlfriends.



I've thought about that until I realized there are tons of men with vanilla personalities with GF's. I've thought about everything and have become very insecure. Is it the way I walk? My voice? My big head? Red hair? The list goes on...

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I've thought about that until I realized there are tons of men with vanilla personalities with GF's. I've thought about everything and have become very insecure. Is it the way I walk? My voice? My big head? Red hair? The list goes on...


Nah, SD is projecting. Grass is always greener on the other side. It's easy to imagine that everything will miraculously be better if you only had the one thing you wished you had, but in reality this tends to not be the case.


There are plenty of single and tall men. There isn't necessarily anything wrong with you.

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There's lots of disadvantages for lots of people in this life. And to be honest, the discrimination against short men goes well beyond romance. Workplace, socially, with regards to respect. Short men have to work harder to earn it.


There is nothing you can do about being short.


But you can make this world a fairer place for those who don't have it as good.


You can start by not discriminating against overweight women.

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Look on the bright side: if you ever date an overweight person you have permission and license to let yourself go. As long as you're not somebody who cares about fitness for its own sake.


Nope. There are plenty of fat people who aren't attracted to fat people.

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WHile height is a huge turn on for women i think you have to take some posts with a grain of salt like last nights one that got deleted


Posters like star and ES are known to be extremely shallow people dont take what they say to seriously not every women is like them

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I would say a women with an ugly face is the equivalent since its a turnoff you cant change.. The whole preimsie that women like fast men anymore then men lie kfat owmen is also nonsense..


So as a man you need to be acceptable to most women in height AND weight a women just needs to watch her weight which is something she can control..Which is why women are mroe shallow..

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A man who can't get a date is equivalent to a woman who can't get a date.


The reason you can't get a date is irrelevant.

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Here's some of the main differences between them.


There is nothing a man did to become short. He has absolutely no control over how tall he became whatsoever.


Short men cannot become taller (not counting painful and very expensive surgery)


A man a few inches below average height looks exactly the same as a taller man. Give a 5'6 man boots that make him 5'9 and nobody would ever guess that his real height isn't actually 5'9. If you see a man in a picture with nothing else to judge his height against, it's impossible to tell how tall he is.


These are all excellent points. Thank you for this.

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I have always said and will continue to say in terms of visual attraction men are more shallow. Scientific studies back me up on this and they show men weigh attraction more heavily when choosing dating partners. Meaning, visual looks are placed higher up on their priority list than women's. Studies show men place looks in the top 3 traits for when choosing a MARRIAGE partner while for women it is in the top 10. I put that in caps because its for marriage...looks fade so its kinda ridiculous


A guy can make up for lacking looks with women: through personality traits he can control. I see it all the time in real life. Often hear stories of a how a guy "grows" on a girl. Girls cannot "grow" on a guy through her personality. If a guy isnt attracted to you, there isnt a damn thing you can do to create it. It doesnt matter how well you treat him or how nice you are or smart or funny or charismatic. Guys dont care about personality as much as women, it is lower on their priority list.




Stop it you can find a scientfiic study on anything to try to back up a point if you want..


Height and weight are important to women while for a man its weight unless a girl is freakishly tall or something..


Most couples are also pretty evenly matched..some women on here seem to think real life is like a tv sitcom with a bunch of fat men dating models and its not the case..


Unattratcive people tend to pair off with one another so spare me the ugly women are doomed ugly men are not bit becasue they usually find each other..

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Ok, I'll be super honest, here. I remember that at one time I thought somedude81 was attractive. He had sent me a picture, and he was good looking in it, and he was more upbeat in his messages. Then he sent me a second picture that wasn't nearly as attractive, and at the time his posts were more degrading (both to himself and to others), and I remember that my attraction plummeted like a rock. It was honestly due to the combination of the two factors.


OP, you can't control your height, but you can do things to make yourself more physically attractive, and you can also improve your personality and outlook on life. I wish I could find that second picture so I could tell you what turned me off about it, but I can't locate it.


Nothing I can do to help your personality, though. It's just not attractive.


I didn't write all this to hurt you, but....it's not your height. That's all I'll say.

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You are ignoring my point. Im saying that men weigh looks HEAVIER. Meaning its a much bigger deal to them than it is to women.


Yeah you can find any (poorly conducted) scientific study to back up what you think. However, 1000's of studies show men are more focused on looks than women.


Once again if most couples are evenly matched how does that prove men are more shallow?


If men went for looks much more then women wed seen tons more unattractive men with attractive women but we dont..


Couples for the most part are on par with each other looks wise which shows men arent anymore shallow then women..

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WHile height is a huge turn on for women i think you have to take some posts with a grain of salt like last nights one that got deleted


Posters like star and ES are known to be extremely shallow people dont take what they say to seriously not every women is like them


I would say a women with an ugly face is the equivalent since its a turnoff you cant change.. The whole preimsie that women like fast men anymore then men lie kfat owmen is also nonsense..


So as a man you need to be acceptable to most women in height AND weight a women just needs to watch her weight which is something she can control..Which is why women are mroe shallow..


Right on cue, as ever. The tall handsome devil who has women falling at his feet, taken or otherwise - and the other short guy who thinks women hate him.


As predictable as this thread itself.


Some people are shallow - get over it and stop crying. Go find someone who isn't. Its not impossible.

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I dont know but short people are many times annoying..


They think they have to be like that so people can notice them.


Overweight people are often nice to others.


Short is born that way. But overweight can lose her weight.


I'm short and annoying. However, they are independent of each other. :laugh:

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Women can do things to make themselves more attractive too.


I remember a woman poster here saying she wouldn't discriminate against short men because she knew what height discrimination felt like at 5'8".


At 5'8"!!!


Now THAT is an attractive attitude.


To me, just improve yourself and go for the best you can is not an attractive attitude towards life.

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Right on cue, as ever. The tall handsome devil who has women falling at his feet, taken or otherwise - and the other short guy who thinks women hate him.


As predictable as this thread itself.


Some people are shallow - get over it and stop crying. Go find someone who isn't. Its not impossible.

I never thought either of those two were shallow. I think they both like attention so they mix in a few controversial statements they know will get their threads attention. I bet if Star met a guy who was short but could toss her around both in bed and in conversation her tall guy demand would melt and she'd fall in love just like her friend. Good job on falling for it though guys.

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normal person

I agree wholeheartedly with Kimberlydoll's post. That's why I think we as guys have it easier. Guys are the ones who typically value things that girls can't really change about themselves. For most guys, a physical attraction is the biggest piece of the pie chart in what makes a women desirable. Even if she's hilarious, fun to be around, smart, interesting, etc ... guys aren't going to consider her if she's got less than desirable physical traits. That's the sad truth. Attraction can't be rationalized.


For girls, physical attributes in a guy are important, but not nearly as much so and they can be easily trumped by personality traits (which can be developed) and resources (which can be acquired). Those can be very attractive to girls. So if you're a guy who's short, you can also be charismatic, funny, charming, well-educated, well-paid, etc and suddenly your height won't be such an issue.


Guys, even the shorter ones, have it much better in my opinion. Being short isn't the easiest thing in the world -- I'm 5'10" and there are still plenty of women taller than me -- but I imagine it's much easier than being a girl that isn't so pleasant to look at.

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You are ignoring a very important part of dating.

The vast majority of men in this world dont have the options to attain their ideal physical girl. Most men have to settle in that department.


If this world were different and guys all had options to get whatever girl they wanted...all of them would be very attractive girls. They would be super nice girls that treat them well or really smart and interesting girls. Theyd be hot. And down to **** like a porn star at any second. Because thats what guys think is super important when picking a dating partner.


Most guys in this world want to be players too...however few can do this and have to settle. You ARE right, MOST couples are even matched in looks. That is because most guys cannot get a girl out of their league! The ones that can you bet that they do!



Oh please spare me..theyres plenty of women who if they had a chance at thier dream guy theyd do it but cant get him so they settle..


Girls nowadays are as shallow as theyve ever been..and care about looks a lot..take it from a guy

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I have always said and will continue to say in terms of visual attraction men are more shallow. Scientific studies back me up on this and they show men weigh attraction more heavily when choosing dating partners. Meaning, visual looks are placed higher up on their priority list than women's. Studies show men place looks in the top 3 traits for when choosing a MARRIAGE partner while for women it is in the top 10. I put that in caps because its for marriage...looks fade so its kinda ridiculous

Did you not see the thread that was made last night?


Stop trying to pretend that women are perfect little princesses who can do no wrong.


Women are just as shallow as men are, often times even more. The sheer fact that a woman would actually get turned off or refuse to date a guy because he is short is proof of that.


A guy can make up for lacking looks with women: through personality traits he can control. I see it all the time in real life. Often hear stories of a how a guy "grows" on a girl. Girls cannot "grow" on a guy through her personality. If a guy isnt attracted to you, there isnt a damn thing you can do to create it. It doesnt matter how well you treat him or how nice you are or smart or funny or charismatic. Guys dont care about personality as much as women, it is lower on their priority list.

Of course personality matters to men.


There have been several occasions where after spending a lot to time with a girl I had no attraction to, I ended up developing strong feelings. Funny how those girls never returned my feelings. I've never had a girl fall for my personality. Girls have been incapable of getting past my looks.

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Girls have been incapable of getting past my looks.


Since you can't change your height, you'll have to work on changing your looks and personality.

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Ok, I'll be super honest, here. I remember that at one time I thought somedude81 was attractive. He had sent me a picture, and he was good looking in it, and he was more upbeat in his messages. Then he sent me a second picture that wasn't nearly as attractive, and at the time his posts were more degrading (both to himself and to others), and I remember that my attraction plummeted like a rock. It was honestly due to the combination of the two factors.


OP, you can't control your height, but you can do things to make yourself more physically attractive, and you can also improve your personality and outlook on life. I wish I could find that second picture so I could tell you what turned me off about it, but I can't locate it.


Nothing I can do to help your personality, though. It's just not attractive.


I didn't write all this to hurt you, but....it's not your height. That's all I'll say.

My posts were always "degrading." It might actually be why you first messaged me, asking if I was OK or something.


I think I've shown you a couple pictures of myself but you've never mentioned that I didn't look good in one of them.


As for your attraction falling, I think it was due to how I completely mishandled your flirting and made you feel creepy.

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My posts were always "degrading." It might actually be why you first messaged me, asking if I was OK or something.


I think I've shown you a couple pictures of myself but you've never mentioned that I didn't look good in one of them.


As for your attraction falling, I think it was due to how I completely mishandled your flirting and made you feel creepy.


I didn't want to hurt your feelings. The first one I DID think was attractive. But not the second one. But I can't find it anymore so I can tell you why.


And sometimes you're really funny, and even your awkwardness and "creepiness" (as you put it) can be a little cute, but not the constant pissing and moaning.

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I've had a bunch of tall boyfriends (at least, tall by my standards, 5'10"/5'11" or so) and think, when they're that height and also really cool, love-able, good to me, etc, I'm really lucky 'cause it's hot for a guy to be on the tall side. But my whole life I've also liked shorter guys in the 5'6" to 5'8" range as long as they were pretty cute, nice, likeable. This board (and other boards like it online) has contributed to my liking short guys in real life less. I think I actually transfer the angst, annoying-ness, self-deprectation, insecurity, bitterness from these boards to real-life shorter guys. They could be acting totally normal in real life, but my exposure to the short-guy-angst from online makes me think they're probably totally hung up and insecure about it too. Or I'm reminded that short guys have low self-esteem (a notion I get from online). I guess what I'm saying is that the short guys on this site make things harder for short guys in real life because you are making them look bad.


I say...just don't talk about your shortcomings. Ever. To anyone.


I have things that I'm extremely insecure about. They are physical things. I never speak about them to anyone, ever. I've only ever mentioned them to my mother and sister. I don't even talk to close friends or any guy I'm dating (even in a long-term relationship) about them. I've certainly never mentioned them on here. I just STFU about it because I don't want to create an image of myself as insecure or someone to be looked down upon by ANYONE. Only my mom and sis can see my insecurity.


There's a saying..."Think highly of yourself. The world holds you at your estimate."


The more you talk badly about yourself or think of yourself as "less," the more the whole world agrees with you.

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