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A short man is not equivalent to an overweight woman.


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I also fallow the news. And I read textbooks.


I've downloaded a few of the things you sent me. Haven't gotten around to looking at them yet.


(can't believe I'm gonna do this again......)


I'm gonna send you more links later.






I know exactly what I want to do. Career, life goals and love.


You sure about that? I mean, not a vague explanation, a concrete plan.


You make it sound like there is some super secret topic that I don't talk about.


What do you expect me to talk about with girls that would attract them?


It's no secret - you can talk about all the mundane sh*t in the world, but you have to pepper it with cheeky banter, and use some colorful words too. Just make it sound like there's some excitement in your mind and in your life - talk about experiences, ask her about the most embarrassing sh*t she has done or something. Secrets or whatever. Just something other than the usual. It's college, and college girls already talk about that stuff, they want excitement.

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Mme. Chaucer


I would never reject a girl because she was flat chested. Yes I would be disappointed at first but I know I'd get over it.


I remember when you posted that you might just consider a "less than C cup" if she'd be open to breast enhancement surgery at some point … and when you told a very attractive regular poster that she was too flat chested for you.


Brings a tear to my eye!



Then you must be doing something to actively turn women off.


Maybe YOU are.



If I was 5'10, right now I'd either be married or having a few girlfriends


Haha. Easy for you to say. Just like the woman who posts here all the time about how she'd be popular with men fer shure if she had a lighter skin color.


But not true, unless you had a lot of other desirable qualities as well.


I'm basically at the point that I know if I were physically attractive to women, I would have no trouble at all.


You mean, at the point where you've finally said this fallacy to yourself over and over enough times that you actually believe it?




P.S. Posted by a woman with a short husband whom she LOVES, and also met online. And I've never had a serious relationship with a man under 6 feet tall before him.

Edited by Mme. Chaucer
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And who ever saw that episode of Sex and the City with this guy?



He hits on Samantha in the bar, and gets a date set up. When he hops off his stool she realizes how short he is. Shes hesitant to continue things, but the dude has wicked game and obviously has no problem getting her or other women.


Sure its a tv show, but charisma, style, and a good look can help overcome the short thing. Totally love this guys swag.


I wouldn't actually expect a woman to disregard that difference. That's like a difference of 6 to 8 inches. I've never seriously approached a woman that much taller than me.


Men mostly complain about women rejecting them when they are the same height, a couple of inches taller, or even shorter.

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Mme. Chaucer

I am going to suggest a consolidated thread for the discussion of the insufferable plight of the short man ...

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I am going to suggest a consolidated thread for the discussion of the insufferable plight of the short man ...

There already was, but nobody posted in it, everyone still made short threads until they got merged into that one thread.

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I am going to suggest a consolidated thread for the discussion of the insufferable plight of the short man ...


Sometimes a Napoleon complex can bring short men to do great things.


Sometimes it brings them to become bitter losers, hated by everyone for their demeanor and negativity.


I find it all remarkable. I mean, when I was about five and had to shower with my team mates from my local soccer team I realized that maybe, just maybe, I did not have the biggest penis in the world. Sure, it was tough at first. But as the years went by I got over it.


It's remarkable that something like this can consume people the way it consumes somedude.

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TW, you seriously deserve like a congressional medal or something. The amount of effort and time you put into helping out guys like SD81 is stunning. You keep chipping away, while he keeps doing the same old routine he has the last 5+ years. You keep chipping away, regardless. It's too bad he doesn't have a friend like you in real life. Just imagine the progress he could make with an encouraging friend or dating coach in real life.


Anyway, I'll share something you hit upon TW. About talking about risque or taboo topics. Or just the typical mundane stuff friends talk about, but colored in with some "exciting words."


So I got this friend. I'll call her J. She's unfortunately taken, but she has complained about her BF to me in the past. Not a lot, but enough. She hasn't talked about him to me in a while now. I kinda dig her. She's real cute, and her personality I feel vibes well with mine. I dunno. I feel like we have known each other all our lives.


We're both teachers. Same grade. So we connected on that when I met her last year.


Know how I met her?


I approached her... boldly, at a job fair.


Struck up a casual conversation with her, and invited her to a play I was in. See SD, this goes back to what TW has been trying to tell you. BE INTERESTING! DO INTERESTING THINGS! Being in a play allowed me an avenue to be bold with this cute girl.


I invited her to my show not 5 minutes into our 1st conversation. First we talked about how the fair went, job prospects, etc. Then I was bold and straight up asked her


"Do you like plays?"


"Yeah, I do. Why?"


"Cool, well I'm in this great play that's opening up next weekend. You should come out."


"Sounds good, what's it about and where is it?"


And the conversation went from there. We exchanged info and one year later, we still KIT.


In fact, I saw her last week. We went to a play together, just the 2 of us. She got there first and texted me


"Here. Should I grab seats for us?"


I was driving and replied "You can try, but know that they probably won't let people in until 10 minutes from now"


She replied "Well I'll try anyway!"


*2 minutes later*


"They let me in!"


I could have texted back the same ole boring routine friend talk "Cool, good job J!"


But I wanted to be a little more daring and bold. It's all about creating that excitement and being just a little different from the rest of the crowd.


So what did I text her?


"Good job. Your [ethnicity] charm strikes again"


It was just a little different, a little "shocking" and I'm sure she didn't see it coming. She was probably expecting the usual standard "Way to go J! I'll be there in a jiffy" reply text.


Sure enough, 30 seconds later she fires me this playful text.


"Hmmph! Forget it, I'll just wait in the lobby"


Knowing her personality, she was being playful and NOT angry in the least. Sure enough, when I got there, there she was sitting in the lobby, and she was happy to see me.


During the play, in the dark, when she whispered things in my ear, I noticed she leaned in enough to touch my shoulder with hers. She probably didn't need to get so close, but I had built up that rapport and connection with her. It probably doesn't mean much, so I don't read into it more than "it is what it is..." but you see... there are boring ways to talk... and more exciting ways to convey our feelings.


So there you go. Every guy should learn from my experience. I'm by no means an expert, but I do know as someone else said "fortune favors the bold."


In fact, I'm seeing J again tomorrow... oh, and she has promised to take me out for dinner sometime.


Are we ever gonna go out? Maybe not... hell like I said she has a BF... but you know what, she's a special friend... and I like that. It's good to have friends like her in your life... it enriches you rather than the same old video game websites and anime forums.


PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE GUYS, and be vulnerable, be BOLD!

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I remember when you posted that you might just consider a "less than C cup" if she'd be open to breast enhancement surgery at some point … and when you told a very attractive regular poster that she was too flat chested for you.


Brings a tear to my eye!





Maybe YOU are.





Haha. Easy for you to say. Just like the woman who posts here all the time about how she'd be popular with men fer shure if she had a lighter skin color.


But not true, unless you had a lot of other desirable qualities as well.




You mean, at the point where you've finally said this fallacy to yourself over and over enough times that you actually believe it?




P.S. Posted by a woman with a short husband whom she LOVES, and also met online. And I've never had a serious relationship with a man under 6 feet tall before him.


If you ever decide to go lesbian, marry me. I love this entire post. :love:

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Another thing that really bugs me about this thread is that somedude is condemning women who like tall guys.


Well, excuse me, but I will never find a woman who is taller than me attractive. I'm sorry, I just don't. It's not that I don't want to. I don't have some sort of weird hatred towards tall women. I just don't want to **** them.


Does this mean I actually have to apologise for liking smaller women?

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This thread must have got you so much numbers and sex... so much sex.

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So there you go. Every guy should learn from my experience. I'm by no means an expert, but I do know as someone else said "fortune favors the bold."


Like all aphorisms, this is only half true. Every aphorism has its opposite. Fortune may favor the bold but "patience is a virtue". Just like you should "look before you leap" but "he who hesitates is lost".


PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE GUYS, and be vulnerable, be BOLD!


Men are not supposed to be "vulnerable". That's the fast track to getting hurt.

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Another thing that really bugs me about this thread is that somedude is condemning women who like tall guys.


Well, excuse me, but I will never find a woman who is taller than me attractive. I'm sorry, I just don't. It's not that I don't want to. I don't have some sort of weird hatred towards tall women. I just don't want to **** them.


Does this mean I actually have to apologise for liking smaller women?


It's not condemnable, but people who are more open minded are more attractive to me, in general.


Whenever a thread like this one here is posted, there's always some guy who comes on here saying, "My girlfriend said she wouldn't date me if I was short and that's OK, because I wouldn't date her if she were fat!"


I dunno, but to me, that attitude just isn't that great.

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It's not condemnable, but people who are more open minded are more attractive to me, in general.


Whenever a thread like this one here is posted, there's always some guy who comes on here saying, "My girlfriend said she wouldn't date me if I was short and that's OK, because I wouldn't date her if she were fat!"


I dunno, but to me, that attitude just isn't that great.


It's not about being open minded. Being open minded would actually mean acknowledging that people don't choose who they are attracted to.


Which in my case means I'm attracted to women who are smaller than me rather than women who are bigger. It is what it is.

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It's not about being open minded. Being open minded would actually mean acknowledging that people don't choose who they are attracted to.


Which in my case means I'm attracted to women who are smaller than me rather than women who are bigger. It is what it is.


What you are attracted to is just a function of your own attractiveness and your upbringing.


If you were blasted in the face by acid tomorrow, and horribly disfigured, do you think you would have to change your sense of attraction (which you can't help) or be alone forever?


I'd say it's a pretty good bet.


The fact that you will not consider a woman who is even 1 inch taller than you ... I mean like I said, it's fine, most people think like you, but it's just not that attractive to me.


Then again, I'm a guy, so what do you care? :lmao:

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What you are attracted to is just a function of your own attractiveness and your upbringing.


If you were blasted in the face by acid tomorrow, and horribly disfigured, do you think you would have to change your sense of attraction (which you can't help) or be alone forever?


I'd say it's a pretty good bet.


The fact that you will not consider a woman who is even 1 inch taller than you ... I mean like I said, it's fine, most people think like you, but it's just not that attractive to me.


Then again, I'm a guy, so what do you care? :lmao:



You mean that if I have no face I have to go for big women?


Oh well, it still beats being short.

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Negative Nancy
You are ignoring a very important part of dating.

The vast majority of men in this world dont have the options to attain their ideal physical girl. Most men have to settle in that department.


If this world were different and guys all had options to get whatever girl they wanted...all of them would be very attractive girls. They would be super nice girls that treat them well or really smart and interesting girls. Theyd be hot. And down to **** like a porn star at any second. Because thats what guys think is super important when picking a dating partner.


Most guys in this world want to be players too...however few can do this and have to settle. You ARE right, MOST couples are even matched in looks. That is because most guys cannot get a girl out of their league! The ones that can you bet that they do!



I agree wholeheartedly with Kimberlydoll's post. That's why I think we as guys have it easier. Guys are the ones who typically value things that girls can't really change about themselves. For most guys, a physical attraction is the biggest piece of the pie chart in what makes a women desirable. Even if she's hilarious, fun to be around, smart, interesting, etc ... guys aren't going to consider her if she's got less than desirable physical traits. That's the sad truth. Attraction can't be rationalized.


For girls, physical attributes in a guy are important, but not nearly as much so and they can be easily trumped by personality traits (which can be developed) and resources (which can be acquired). Those can be very attractive to girls. So if you're a guy who's short, you can also be charismatic, funny, charming, well-educated, well-paid, etc and suddenly your height won't be such an issue.


Guys, even the shorter ones, have it much better in my opinion. Being short isn't the easiest thing in the world -- I'm 5'10" and there are still plenty of women taller than me -- but I imagine it's much easier than being a girl that isn't so pleasant to look at.



quoted for telling it like it is.

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My wife says she wouldn't be with anyone under 5'10". I HAVE asked her if she would have been with me if I was shorter (I'm 6'2") and she always gives me the "uhhhh...well......" and, you know what...I'm FINE with that.


Hell...I'm GOOD with that. I'm glad that I'm what my wife considers physically "optimal".


It has NOTHING to do with being open minded and EVERYTHING to do with knowing exactly what you want and being able to get it.


If my wife didn't look the way she did, I wouldn't be with her either, no matter how awesome her personality was.

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Mme. Chaucer

You guys, you are way off topic.


Get back to the important matter at hand: fat women are an abomination, whereas short men are unfairly neglected.


And, SD would have many girlfriends and be married (to thin women in their early 20's who are at least a C cup) if he were 5'10".


Carry on.

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You mean that if I have no face I have to go for big women?


Probably they wouldn't even like you. :(


Chances are you wouldn't be able to get the women that you are attracted to today, and you'd have to change your sense of attraction or die alone.

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It's no secret - you can talk about all the mundane sh*t in the world, but you have to pepper it with cheeky banter, and use some colorful words too. Just make it sound like there's some excitement in your mind and in your life - talk about experiences, ask her about the most embarrassing sh*t she has done or something. Secrets or whatever. Just something other than the usual. It's college, and college girls already talk about that stuff, they want excitement.

That's not the impression you were giving me earlier.

If that is somewhat serious, that's a problem and that's why you struggle to ask questions about stuff.


That's astounding that you have nothing else to talk about other than mundane sh*t that friends talk about all the time.

And no you're telling me to talk about the mundane stuff, but with pepper.

:laugh: There it is!!! :love:

You know somethings about pick up?

I remember when you posted that you might just consider a "less than C cup" if she'd be open to breast enhancement surgery at some point … and when you told a very attractive regular poster that she was too flat chested for you.

You are completely taking my posts out of context.


I have always preferred at least a B cup.


I have never said that I would refuse to date a girl because I thought her breasts were too small.


If I somehow ended up in a relationship with a girl who was an A or smaller, I would consider encouraging her to get implants. I would not bring it up, but if it was her idea, I would completely support her. All of that would only happen if I by chance I ended up in a relationship with a woman who was much smaller than average. Since I'm the one who has to actually do the pursuing, odds are it won't happen. As I said before, I need to be attracted to a girl to actually chase her. Why make the effort if I don't want the prize?

Haha. Easy for you to say. Just like the woman who posts here all the time about how she'd be popular with men fer shure if she had a lighter skin color.

Yup, there is no way to know at all.


BTW, that woman is only interested in a very specific type of man. I'm interested in much bigger range of people.


You mean, at the point where you've finally said this fallacy to yourself over and over enough times that you actually believe it?



Maybe, maybe not.


Though tell me this, is there a better chance of dating a woman when she is physically attracted to a man?


P.S. Posted by a woman with a short husband whom she LOVES, and also met online. And I've never had a serious relationship with a man under 6 feet tall before him.

Glad to see that you finally realized the error or your ways.


BTW, if you had met him in person first, would you have ended up marrying him? Or would you have written him off because he was short?

Another thing that really bugs me about this thread is that somedude is condemning women who like tall guys.


Well, excuse me, but I will never find a woman who is taller than me attractive. I'm sorry, I just don't. It's not that I don't want to. I don't have some sort of weird hatred towards tall women. I just don't want to **** them.


Does this mean I actually have to apologise for liking smaller women?

My first reaction to say is that you're shallow, but I don't know how tall you are. So there are a lot of things to consider.


For me, the girl that I liked more than every girl before her, the one that I wanted to have for my girlfriend and meet my family, take to my cousins weddings, and have her be a part of my life, was 5'8, two inches taller than me.


Even after more than year of no contact, I still wonder if she would have dated me if I was 5'10 or taller.

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You guys, you are way off topic.


Get back to the important matter at hand: fat women are an abomination, whereas short men are unfairly neglected.


And, SD would have many girlfriends and be married (to thin women in their early 20's who are at least a C cup) if he were 5'10".


Carry on.


I am exactly 5'10" :D. Yeeey for me!

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You guys, you are way off topic.


Get back to the important matter at hand: fat women are an abomination, whereas short men are unfairly neglected.


And, SD would have many girlfriends and be married (to thin women in their early 20's who are at least a C cup) if he were 5'10".


Carry on.

I mean I wouldn't bang a short guy with a strap on... ahhh be nice Smile..

Kay, bye lol

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