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A short man is not equivalent to an overweight woman.


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BTW, did anybody see the post where I tried to be bold a few pages back?

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BTW, did anybody see the post where I tried to be bold a few pages back?


Was it one of the "I'm short, so I will die alone" posts?

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May i ask what you look like?


If you could have landed a tall hottie im sure you would have


How romantic!:lmao:

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Mme. Chaucer
May i ask what you look like?


If you could have landed a tall hottie im sure you would have


Check out my picture in my profile. Obviously, I can get any man I want. My first husband was a "tall hottie." My current husband is a short one.


I don't judge people by their individual features. I go for the total package.

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BTW, did anybody see the post where I tried to be bold a few pages back?


The one where AlexDP said he wanted to rape you and you shot him down?




I kid, I kid...

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The one where AlexDP said he wanted to rape you and you shot him down?




I kid, I kid...


Thread just took a turn for the whoa.. :eek:


Well done Divasu.

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BTW, did anybody see the post where I tried to be bold a few pages back?


Meh SD. It all depends on the woman. Some women will never be attracted to what they consider 'short dudes.' I thought I was one of them! Never dated below 5'-11". But you know what? This 5'-8" dude got me from the get go! Bold and confident without being arrogant. Will it work out? Who knows? But his personality gave him the opportunity to see--with a chick who likes tall, beefy guys! I am totally intrigued!

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You ever see Good Will Hunting (I know it's a crappy movie...that's besides the point)?


That scene where Ben afflecks character tells Will that his one wish is that one day he'll come up to Will's home, knock on his door, and he won't be there. That he will have just gotten up and left.


That's how I feel about you on LS. That, one day, you'll figure out the root of all your issues and you'll just get up and leave, instead of sticking around making the same posts and threads over and over again...doing nothing with your life and going nowhere fast.

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Very true. Even when quite skinny, I am not an hourglass. My waist never looks slender. I have a very "straight" body shape.


We are who we are. Rather than lamenting that we aren't the person the majority wants, why not focus on those who DO find us attractive?


Maybe 90% of women care about height. (I am pulling that % out of my butt). So focus on the 10% who don't. It does NO GOOD to spend your energy being angry at the 90% and wanting to change the way things are.


And it is NOT self-serving to focus on something you can't change anyway. Being angry about it is only going to continue to scare girls off.


Because lets say 90% only date talll guys well just because 10% may not mind datign a short guy doesnt mean they'd date ANY short guy


She still has to find you attractive facially body wise and personality wise which lowers that number even more considerably

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Women can do things to make themselves more attractive too.


I remember a woman poster here saying she wouldn't discriminate against short men because she knew what height discrimination felt like at 5'8".


At 5'8"!!!


Now THAT is an attractive attitude.


To me, just improve yourself and go for the best you can is not an attractive attitude towards life.


That was probably me, I've definitely voiced that idea a few times here.


Obviously I'm not the jolly green giant at 5'8... but I'm a little taller than average, and you can definitely find examples in this very thread of men who would find me too tall. And that's okay.


The guy I'm dating is 5'6. Yep 2 inches shorter than me.


And while many people know I've had MASSIVE issues finding dates over the past few years, I don't consider it settling one bit. Had I disliked his personality he would've gotten the boot instantly.


So to hell with all the "a woman who prefers tall men but ends up with a short one is just settling, blah blah desperation and biological clocks, she must not be good enough to land a tall guy, short guys can only get plain janes" talk. -.-

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I like shorties because Im a shortie. Unlike Melissa McCarthy I do not enjoy "climbing a guy like a tree."

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It never stops being hilarious seeing girls under 5' with guys over 6'. For some reason there are so many of those couples here.


Funny enough, I see that alot too! Very tall guys with very short girls, the height difference when they're standing next to each other is incredible!


I have a female friend who's about 5'1, she's engaged to a guy who's 5'3. They're such a cute little couple.

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It never stops being hilarious seeing girls under 5' with guys over 6'. For some reason there are so many of those couples here.

Honestly, it pisses me off when I see that.


For one, I have no idea why a man would want to be with a woman who is half his size. Maybe it's because she doesn't have to get on her knees for oral?


I would absolutely not want to date a girl that only goes up to my navel. Would make me feel like a pedophile.

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You ever see Good Will Hunting (I know it's a crappy movie...that's besides the point)?


That scene where Ben afflecks character tells Will that his one wish is that one day he'll come up to Will's home, knock on his door, and he won't be there. That he will have just gotten up and left.


That's how I feel about you on LS. That, one day, you'll figure out the root of all your issues and you'll just get up and leave, instead of sticking around making the same posts and threads over and over again...doing nothing with your life and going nowhere fast.


I tend to agree. Not that I don't like this board a lot. It's a cool place to hang out online. But I think there's something to leaving for a while that invites the cosmos to bring you a change for the better. Last summer, I purposely went away for three months, and in that time, I met someone great. It's not enough to say "well I am out there; I just check in every day here to vent." Really *leaving* for a while is more effective.


Excuse typos... I'm typing on my tiny phone keyboard.

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Honestly, it pisses me off when I see that.



In general women prefer men their height or taller and men prefer women their height or shorter.

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And some 6'+ men prefer girls who would get lost in a pack of elementary schoolers.



Sounds like some jealousy and bitterness talking.

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In general women prefer men their height or taller and men prefer women their height or shorter.

Yes, I'm very aware of that.


Personally I prefer women to be between 5'1 and 5'8. That's pretty much the sweet spot for my height.

So short means more childlike?

Are you more childlike?

No, short in relation to the other person. Not sure how you missed that point.

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My ex husband and first boyfriend were over a foot taller than me.



The pedophile argument is ridiculous.


Maybe they care about the people and aren't as arbitrarily focused on height as you seem to be. You care more/think more about it than any woman I have ever met.

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This thread has run its course; thanks for participating in its demise

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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