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Difference between men's and women's attraction

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Its not bitterness. A man is much more likely to commit to a woman who is hotter. Theres actual research done on this you know. There also have been studies that have found the more successful marriages tend to be ones where the wife is hotter than the husband. Sorry biology does play a role in todays behavior though I wish it didnt

Yup, the hot wives never get cheated on.

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There are huge differences between the way men and women become attracted.


Unfortunately not many seem to be able to accept or grasp this.

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That really has nothing to do with what I said.


Over half of men that cheat have wives that emotionally and sexually fulfill them. Thats considered a successful marriage. Basically it is a "I need some fresh vagina" syndrome. Thats something that wont ever change, many men cannot be satisfied with one woman for a long time no matter who she is because they arent wired that way. The only thing that will change this from happening is millions of years of evolution

I thought you were talking about men committing to hotter wives?


Changed your mind on that subject?

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Its not bitterness. A man is much more likely to commit to a woman who is hotter. Theres actual research done on this you know. There also have been studies that have found the more successful marriages tend to be ones where the wife is hotter than the husband. Sorry biology does play a role in todays behavior though I wish it didnt


I agree in fact it should be a law.Well you're pretty im not very attractive problem solved! :bunny:

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Changed your mind on that subject?


It's the same with attraction. Ever experience a wind in the desert?

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No, I havent change my mind. What you brought up, cheating, is irrelevant. Men dont always cheat because their relationship isnt successful necessarily. Its a myth that only men in unhappy marriages cheat. Plenty of men out there with good wives they adore cheat, simply because they can and think with their dick when the opportunity arises. Women tend to cheat more for emotional reasons. Not 100%, but alot more than men do!

Uh you're the one who brought up cheating.

Its not bitterness. A man is much more likely to commit to a woman who is hotter. Theres actual research done on this you know. There also have been studies that have found the more successful marriages tend to be ones where the wife is hotter than the husband. Sorry biology does play a role in todays behavior though I wish it didnt


Unless you had something else in mind when you talked about commitment...

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There are huge differences between the way men and women become attracted.


Unfortunately not many seem to be able to accept or grasp this.


Yea. But it's not like women are initially attracted to NO men before they get to know them.


They want to jump on the hot men just as much without knowing anything about them. It's just a MUCH smaller range that they find hot.

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You realize you can commit to someone and cheat on them right?

Absolutely not.


To me committing to someone means I will not sleep with anyone else, and I expect them to do the same. Cheating is a breach of that commitment.


And as I said before, a woman will never be so hot that her man would never cheat on her.

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Yea. But it's not like women are initially attracted to NO men before they get to know them.


They want to jump on the hot men just as much without knowing anything about them. It's just a MUCH smaller range that they find hot.

:laugh: you're half right, but you think about it in such a binary fashion.


Individual women do tend to find a smaller range of men hot - not all. That's true.


However, what they find hot does vary between individuals. But likely you haven't noticed that :laugh:......

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Women can find a slug monster hot if he is confident with an awesome personality.






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Women can find a slug monster hot if he is confident with an awesome personality.






How ironic that the people who think otherwise are the ones moaning or fixating - even when they have a GF no less :laugh:.

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:laugh: you're half right, but you think about it in such a binary fashion.


Individual women do tend to find a smaller range of men hot - not all. That's true.


However, what they find hot does vary between individuals. But likely you haven't noticed that :laugh:......


I agree there is a little variation, but not nearly as much that men cover.


I believe every non-overweight female has been thought of as hot by a HOT guy at one time or another.


I think that is FAR from the truth for the average or below average man.


Women can find a slug monster hot if he is confident with an awesome personality.







Not on topic.


I've done that too. I'm talking about pure looks.

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Not a miracle. All these men complaining women dont find alot of men attractive dont get my sympathy. Why? Personality and other things that you can control can make up for looks in women....not for men. Men are either attracted to you or not, or theres not a damn thing you can do to change his mind through your personality or character. I rarely hear of a girl "growing" on a guy when he wasnt attracted to her upon meeting her, but the vast majority of good relationships Ive observed the guy "grew" on the girl and won her over. If a girl isnt attracted to you right away guys, the game is not over necessarily. It could be but not 100% of the time. The reverse situation? 99% of the time, game over.


Kim, why are you complaining about this. You're one of the pretty ones lol.


I'm sure you would have no problem getting a good guy to commit to you.

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Not a miracle. All these men complaining women dont find alot of men attractive dont get my sympathy. Why? Personality and other things that you can control can make up for looks in women....not for men. Men are either attracted to you or not, or theres not a damn thing you can do to change his mind through your personality or character. I rarely hear of a girl "growing" on a guy when he wasnt attracted to her upon meeting her, but the vast majority of good relationships Ive observed the guy "grew" on the girl and won her over. If a girl isnt attracted to you right away guys, the game is not over necessarily. It could be but not 100% of the time. The reverse situation? 99% of the time, game over.



Why do you talk about stuff like this when you're objectively pretty attractive? I'd rate you about a 7.5 to 8/10. You're definitely in the top 20th percentile of looks



I'm sorry but I just can't take your posts seriously. It's like a rich guy talking about how poor people are struggling. Makes no sense



If you struggle in dating, there's something very off but it's nothing to do with your looks (unless you're going for celebrities or millionaire movie stars or something, which I'm sure you don't)

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Why do you talk about stuff like this when you're objectively pretty attractive? I'd rate you about a 7.5 to 8/10. You're definitely in the top 20th percentile of looks



I'm sorry but I just can't take your posts seriously. It's like a rich guy talking about how poor people are struggling. Makes no sense



If you struggle in dating, there's something very off but it's nothing to do with your looks (unless you're going for celebrities or millionaire movie stars or something, which I'm sure you don't)

Dude, nothing you say ever makes sense so pot can't call kettle black.

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No, I havent change my mind. What you brought up, cheating, is irrelevant. Men dont always cheat because their relationship isnt successful necessarily. Its a myth that only men in unhappy marriages cheat. Plenty of men out there with good wives they adore cheat, simply because they can and think with their dick when the opportunity arises. Women tend to cheat more for emotional reasons. Not 100%, but alot more than men do!


I love the women cheat for emotional reasons line! The OM who's spreading her ribs is emotionally fufilling her how?

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Your beta male status makes you less attractive to women I'm sure. You sound like you have no confidence in yourself or looks.


What's that got to do with anything?


If a woman thinks you're off the bat hot, you'll know about it.


It's not until later that the other stuff comes into play.


It's about predictability.


I think it's great to be a woman because as an average or even below average woman, you could walk out of the house, and if the stars are right that day, some really hot guy might think you are hot that day.


If you are a below average guy, no hot woman is ever going to think you are hot pretty much in your life.

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Why do you talk about stuff like this when you're objectively pretty attractive? I'd rate you about a 7.5 to 8/10. You're definitely in the top 20th percentile of looks



I'm sorry but I just can't take your posts seriously. It's like a rich guy talking about how poor people are struggling. Makes no sense



If you struggle in dating, there's something very off but it's nothing to do with your looks (unless you're going for celebrities or millionaire movie stars or something, which I'm sure you don't)


She's cold and bitter, that's her problem. Yes she's attractive but look at her smile in her pictures, it's not genuine, she's not smiling with her eyes. She's not a happy person.

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Just because that happened to you doesnt mean it happens to other men.


Your personality obviously didnt win her over or make up for your looks, thats why you continued to get friendzoned. 3 out of my 4 relationships, I was not attracted to the guy right away. I am not exaggerating when I say almost all of the good relationships Ive observed, the girl wasnt really keen in the beginning.


Not saying this works 100% of the time, or that you should aggresively pursue every woman that friendzones you- I do get why men give up- but it works far more times for men than it does for a woman. It rarely happens to women


No I never see anyone win anyone over with their personality. Women are into looks just as much as guys are if you aren't attractive to her she's not going to want to be in a close relationship with you but if she thinks you'll make a good friend you can become friends. Honestly the only place I've seen this ugly guy wins the love of his life over is in the movies, never in real-life.


Now your scenario could work if the girl is "on the fence" so to speak about the guy as in she thinks the guy is "cute" or whatever but isn't exactly sure if she likes him "in that way", in such a situation if the guy has a personality that she finds desirable or very charismatic in someway this may boost her opinion of him up. This also works the other way as well with guys.

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What's that got to do with anything?


If a woman thinks you're off the bat hot, you'll know about it.


It's not until later that the other stuff comes into play.


It's about predictability.


I think it's great to be a woman because as an average or even below average woman, you could walk out of the house, and if the stars are right that day, some really hot guy might think you are hot that day.


If you are a below average guy, no hot woman is ever going to think you are hot pretty much in your life.


I hate to say it OP but nothing you've said in this thread makes much sense



I have a lot of friends who are good looking, tall, athletic, etc.... and none of them ever think an average or below average girl is hot. Never. That's just nonsense. Good looking guys want a girl as hot or hotter...at worst, at least in "a similar league"



She's cold and bitter, that's her problem. Yes she's attractive but look at her smile in her pictures, it's not genuine, she's not smiling with her eyes. She's not a happy person.


Plausible reason. She could have terrible judgement of men too and always go for the bad ones


Anyways, she's a 8/10 woman complaining about dating. It's the equivalent of a guy in poker with 2 Queens complaining that he has a bad hand...Not much to be taken seriously there

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You give off that vibe right away that tells a woman: 1.) I'm not worth your time because I don't value myself.


I walk into a room and my shoulder are back, I'm standing up straight, I'm making eye contact, I walk with a purpose and I have the attitude of I'm going to f****** own this room and everyone in it. It's all about projection. If you project that you're the coolest Mofo in the room, people will pick up that vibe. If you project that you suck at life and aren't worthy of even a look of pity, they'll pick up on that too.




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The kind of guy you're talking about isn't showing his real personality.

He is showing a fake personality meant to try and make the woman happy.


Men with good personalities that are real and show who they really are can attract women.


Regardless of the "realness" of the guy's personality if the girl feels he is unattractive, but likes his personality they are probably going to end up friends.


Though if he is showing a fake personality I don't see even that "friendship" lasting long.

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Regardless of the "realness" of the guy's personality if the girl feels he is unattractive, but likes his personality they are probably going to end up friends.


Though if he is showing a fake personality I don't see even that "friendship" lasting long.

Keep thinking the way you do. It will keep you failing.


Its not your looks.

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Mme. Chaucer


This forum seems to have an equal number of male and female members, yet there are far more men complaining about a total lack of relationships.


Something is going on.


Yes, a lot of complainer type men participate on this forum. THAT is what's going on.


I am so tired of this bs. The women you're always whining about who are in relationships? Are in relationships with MEN! MEN! MEN! Yes! For every hetero girl who's in a relationship, there is a MAN involved! Equal numbers of men and women in hetero relationships!


Can you get that?

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Keep thinking the way you do. It will keep you failing.


Its not your looks.


Seriously think about it just pure personality isn't going to make a woman like a guy anymore than a friend. She has to have some level of interest initially.


Now if a girl kind of likes the guy but isn't really sure, I can see how connectivity, personality, and charisma could really make a guy look alot better but if there is no physical attraction to begin with that personality isn't going to create any, it can only enhance what was already there.

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