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Difference between men's and women's attraction

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TheBigQuestion- I believe she said she financially supported herself, so she wasnt being a hypocrite.


I know I dont chase after high status men. They are usually full of e.g.o.s


I didn't accuse anyone of being a hypocrite. I simply said that veggirl made a largely unsubstantiated anecdotal generalization, and I provided its counterpart. Learn to read what I say before you type out ill-informed stupidity.

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Completely unrealistic in NYC. I will be single for the rest of my life if I make a guy wait at least a month to sleep with me. I imagine places like DC and LA, which have similar cultures, are the same. You can say this all you want but for us women in these areas it is NOT doable.


Then let them be. That doesn't mean you need to bend to the messed-up society there.


Hell, I get asked many times why I'm single and I told them, "The women around here is not dating-material women."


I meant that. I'm not going to chase a women just for the sake of chasing them. I'm not going to a bar to meet women just like how the other men is meeting them and I definitely am not going to have immediate sex with a woman just because that is what society and my peers is doing.


I don't operate that way. Not now. Not ever. No culture will change that and I rather remain single than to be a part of it.

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Uh. My calculus 1 professor was smoking hot. I'm not kidding. She was probably 36 at the time, she worked out 5 days a week and she wore tight pants to class everyday. She was also a MATH professor and I'm a geek so, put that together: Math+SmokingHot = Freaking Awesome!


She didn't look like a street walker either ( I know I'm not doing her justice by the description above ) - she was a very classy gal, smart, intelligent, and she knew calculus so well.


I sat in the front row and NEVER missed a single day. It was heaven for me and it really was too bad that she was married because I would have tried very hard to date her. In the end I respected that she was married and i never did make a pass, but I KNOW she knew I thought she was smoking hot, I couldn't hide my body language that well.


She still is to this day was my fav prof of all time.


I was probably 20-21 at the time.




Dude, you seriously missed xxoo's point. News flash: We KNOW men lust after hot women in tight pants.


Her point was, many women will lust after pudgy, balding male professors.


I had a crush on this one professor: strawberry blond hair, skinny, wore the same crumpled, dorky outfit every time I saw him. He was so smart and nice; I was annoyed that he was always so appropriate with me!

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Then let them be. That doesn't mean you need to bend to the messed-up society there.


Hell, I get asked many times why I'm single and I told them, "The women around here is not dating-material women."


I meant that. I'm not going to chase a women just for the sake of chasing them. I'm not going to a bar to meet women just like how the other men is meeting them and I definitely am not going to have immediate sex with a woman just because that is what society and my peers is doing.


I don't operate that way. Not now. Not ever. No culture will change that and I rather remain single than to be a part of it.




Ooooooooo you just increased your attraction to me:love:


The thing is, Im not religious so going to church is a no. And I already got too much on my plate to add additional things.


Im moving about from NYC this fall though so thats why Im not too worried.

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Ooooooooo you just increased your attraction to me:love:


The thing is, Im not religious so going to church is a no. And I already got too much on my plate to add additional things.


Im moving about from NYC this fall though so thats why Im not too worried.


Oh great. I may have to sig that part. :love:


I'm not religious either so church is also a no-go for me. Just too boring for my tastes.


And since I may actually have a job starting next week, I'm so looking forward to actual travel in the near future.


It will be glorious to actually step outside of Jacksonville for a change.

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Well it looks like I've either:


1) been banned from this thread


2) Or it has been shut down, as i can't view beyond page 12 ;)

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Well it looks like I've either:


1) been banned from this thread


2) Or it has been shut down, as i can't view beyond page 12 ;)


I will PM you as I had this exact same issue.

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It's a forum bug.


A simple way to still fallow posts is to click the quote button and scroll down, though the order of the posts will be reversed.

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Thank you for the PM ;) I'm good to go now.


I will PM you as I had this exact same issue.
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My sister and friends did the exact same thing. NYC is a tough, tough place for women who are looking for something "more". I'm a guy and I won't argue that with you.


It's a tough place for people in general. NJ is much better.

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Women are no different from men and the ONLY difference is that they're not alolowed to TALK like men due to cultural gender roles. A woman is supposed to say "I want a strong, compassionte man who's funny and charming". They can't say "Yeah the minute I seen my bf I knew I wanted to phuk his brains out". Until I see obese men with bikini babes and obese women with underwear models I'll think otherwise.

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Lonely Ronin

So don't tell me that I'm not doing anything to be more physically appealing to women.

It's not just about being physically fit, it's about what what you wear, how your hair is cut, do you shave or not shave, do you smell good, do you carry yourself well. guys that do well, get all this stuff working together to emphasize their strong trait's and down play their lesser ones.



Just so you know, not all of us were born tall and good looking.


guess what you can look really good or really bad regardless of how you where born.

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It's not just about being physically fit, it's about what what you wear, how your hair is cut, do you shave or not shave, do you smell good, do you carry yourself well. guys that do well, get all this stuff working together to emphasize their strong trait's and down play their lesser ones.





guess what you can look really good or really bad regardless of how you where born.

I try to always look nice and still appropriate for a college campus in SoCal. When I shave I keep a little bit of stubble because I think I look too young when I'm clean shaven, I've been wearing cologne every day since the beginning of the year and I just bought a bottle of some Prada thing that was recommended to me. I don't if girls can tell because no one's ever mentioned anything. I always carry myself well, never hunch over because the last thing I want to do is look shorter.


As I said before, I'm growing my hair out but it's still got a few inches to go. I get it trimmed every couple of months or so, whatever the stylist recommends. I use product all the time.


And yet I'm still waiting from a positive reaction from women.

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Lonely Ronin
I try to always look nice and still appropriate for a college campus in SoCal. When I shave I keep a little bit of stubble because I think I look too young when I'm clean shaven, I've been wearing cologne every day since the beginning of the year and I just bought a bottle of some Prada thing that was recommended to me. I don't if girls can tell because no one's ever mentioned anything. I always carry myself well, never hunch over because the last thing I want to do is look shorter.


As I said before, I'm growing my hair out but it's still got a few inches to go. I get it trimmed every couple of months or so, whatever the stylist recommends. I use product all the time.


And yet I'm still waiting from a positive reaction from women.


ok who recommended Prada? Something worth noting is just because you think you look good, doesn't mean women do. This is one of the many benefits of having a lot of female friends, free and frank advice on clothing.


please tell me you get a hair cut more than every couple of months. It should be every few weeks, if for no other reason than to get your sideburns, & neck line trimmed.

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Women don't compliment men on their looks. It's just not something they do.

Is that directed at me?


If so, the only complement I want from a woman is her phone number or a date.

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Lonely Ronin
Women don't compliment men on their looks. It's just not something they do.


Women that you are dating, or know really well will compliment you.

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Mme. Chaucer
Ding, ding, ding.


So, you're in a classroom and 8 or 9 out of 10 guys are attracted to you.


Meanwhile, you are attracted to maybe the two, maybe three guys that all the other women are attracted to.


Point proved. Thanks for your candidness. :cool:


Please explain why the whole world is swarming with couples, if women only want to go out with a tiny percentage of men.


I'm begging you.

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Mme. Chaucer

Originally Posted by veggirl


Most women have much more diverse criteria than "be hot".


I disagree with the bolded.


Why on Earth would you "disagree" with a woman who is TELLING you about women?


You guys seem completely closed off to reality. Women, and men who have success with women (not the so-called, mythical, tall apha males you worship) have posted on this giant thread over and over to tell you that your attraction theory means little in the scheme of things. You don't care. You seem to be determined to remain in the exact situation you're in. You're very good at that.

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this thread is full of BS



Most men do not find all women attractive. My friends who are even somewhat good looking/in shape only find the traditionally hot women to be attractive




I usually like the OP's posts but it's just all BS in this thread

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Different people find different things attractive. You really cannot forget the importance of personality.


It is hard sometimes coming on here, admittedly, seeing girls gush about every physical trait they are attracted to, none of which I possess.


They gush about tall men, I am short. Muscular men, I am skinny. Grizzly looking manly men with beards and hairy chests and all that. I am clean shaven.


Despite all this, I am the most successful guy I know in real life. I think I have an attractive face, but with all my other physical (perceived) shortcomings, there is no way I am as successful as I am just because of my face. I have been considering dating outside my social circle, in part because it seems every girl I try to approach that knows me personally says something like "I've heard stories about you," and they put me through ridiculous tests that I know they wouldn't put other guys through, just for the fact they think I'm a player. I am not.


I have seen success because my personality has carried me. I walk with a level of confidence not many men have. Along with other personality traits that most women would find attractive.


So, no, I disagree with this notion that all women are attracted to the same type of guy, because I am living proof that when you got it, you got it.

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While the women's points is being taken in (at least for me. I can't speak for the others), now to find the women that actually think that way as opposed to just chasing only the males who is physically attractive.


Considering the number of bad relationships that leads women to be single moms, I have a hard time believing there is such a women like that nearby within my age range.


And, no offense, but I'm not going to start chasing after cougars.

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Different people find different things attractive. You really cannot forget the importance of personality.


It is hard sometimes coming on here, admittedly, seeing girls gush about every physical trait they are attracted to, none of which I possess.


They gush about tall men, I am short. Muscular men, I am skinny. Grizzly looking manly men with beards and hairy chests and all that. I am clean shaven.


Despite all this, I am the most successful guy I know in real life. I think I have an attractive face, but with all my other physical (perceived) shortcomings, there is no way I am as successful as I am just because of my face. I have been considering dating outside my social circle, in part because it seems every girl I try to approach that knows me personally says something like "I've heard stories about you," and they put me through ridiculous tests that I know they wouldn't put other guys through, just for the fact they think I'm a player. I am not.


I have seen success because my personality has carried me. I walk with a level of confidence not many men have. Along with other personality traits that most women would find attractive.


So, no, I disagree with this notion that all women are attracted to the same type of guy, because I am living proof that when you got it, you got it.


But you're also an outlier..seeing what women find attractive on here and other sites just about all prefer what you described and it starts with tall or at least not short but probably settle for what they can get because of desperation for a family..


So none of this proves women arent as or more shallow or find less of the opposite sex attractive it just means not all women can get their ideal man

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But you're also an outlier..seeing what women find attractive on here and other sites just about all prefer what you described and it starts with tall or at least not short but probably settle for what they can get because of desperation for a family..


So none of this proves women arent as or more shallow or find less of the opposite sex attractive it just means not all women can get their ideal man


There are plenty of stories (on here alone) of shorter men having success. I've seen every man of every body type get women. Even if most women dream of ending up with a taller man, doesn't mean that if they don't, they are "settling."


I am a total ass man. If I ended up with Mila Kunis, someone who has no curves to speak of, I can assure you I wouldn't feel like I was settling.


I wouldn't be with her, secretly wishing I was with Kim Kardashian just because Kim has an incredible ass.


People that are holding out for perfect physical specimens end up alone. Nobody is perfect. We either have physical or personality flaws, or both. We are all human.


So, yeah, I'm short. But I'm also smart, have a great sense of humor, am passionate, ambitious, romantic, honest, loyal, confident, thoughtful, creative. If a woman is going to throw all of that away because I am not 6 feet tall, her loss.


There are plenty of women out there who would give (and have given) me a shot and never feel like they were settling. They know a man is not measured by his height but by his character and I have a strong character.

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I'm curious; what do women deem "short"?

I've seen women call men 5'8 short.

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Mme. Chaucer
Not all of us are clueless when it comes to the ladies. I've tried with that dude and it's just not sinking in.


Believe me, I know that there are dozens (or hundreds) of guys here who aren't clueless, especially not in this particular fashion. It seems limited to a very vocal and whiny population.


What frustrates me is, not only will they completely ignore all the women here who tell them what we actually like - and what the real live men we like are like - they also ignore EVERY. SINGLE. GUY. who has some positive experience with women and knowledge to share.


Dismissed offhand because evidently all you guys are in the top 1%, or 20%, or whatever the percentage du jour might be. Also, tall.



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