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Jealous women in the animal kingdom

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I heard this story not too long ago from (and I fully admit that this is a rather hilarious source to get this from) a book by Judge Judy Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever. It is her rant against women for doing crazy and unreasonable things for men or against others which have lead them to her courtroom over the years. She told a story about a swan which really had me shocked ...


Years ago she and her husband we on vacation in Hawaii when they were eating in a restaurant with a swan paddling in the pond nearby. She said to the hostess that the swan seemed sad. The hostess told her that they used to have two pair of swan. Swans mate for life and this swan's mate was killed by a large dog. This female swan was formerly docile and became increasingly hostile and aggressive, especially towards the other two swan in the pond. Then one day she reared up and killed one of them.


"The other female?"


"No, she killed the male. She was so angry and jealous that the other female had a mate and she didn't, she didn't want the other female to be happy. After the other female's mate was killed, she left here one day. She's REALLY alone now."


Sound familiar? I guess we humans are not as sophisticated as we think. Just thought I would share that.

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Ya, because humans are driven totally by instinct right.

There are many MANY species that will kill the same gender if the opposite is present. Gerbils for example cannot have more than one breeding female around a male. Other species like lions or sealions will only have one male to a pack of female and will fight to the bloody death for a pack of females.


Trying to compare the natural behavior of an animal to the CONSCIOUS DECISIONS of a HUMAN is ****ing stupid.

You will never be able to have two female swans around one male. The restaurant let the swan get killed because they didn't remove an animal doing what comes natural from the environment. They should be reported for animal abuse.


Also, be sure to take Judge Judy's comments on women with a healthy helping of self loathing.

Edited by WhoreyBull
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I guess we humans are not as sophisticated as we think. Just thought I would share that.


Were just chimps with drivers licenses and mortgages.:)

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