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Is this Considered Cheating?

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My friend was dating 3 guys at the same time, each of those guys knowing each other but never knew that they were dating the same girl.


My friend doesn't consider this cheating because she wasn't serious about them.


I myself had a boyfriend I was serious about dated him for 1 year and at the time also was seeing 2 other guys just kissed them and hung out with them thats it. Then after that ended I had 2 more serious relationships, where again I dated 1 other guy while seeing these guys.


But after I purposed to my 3rd serious relationship boyfriend I stopped this and have stopped and wouldn't do this ever again.


Do you think what I did and my friend did is considered cheating?

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I don't know......I wouldn't do things behind someone's back....I mean I'm the kind of person who don't hide the stuffs that I do ...All in the open ...It's better this way......


But I guess you weren't that in love and serious about any of them!

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I don't know......I wouldn't do things behind someone's back....I mean I'm the kind of person who don't hide the stuffs that I do ...All in the open ...It's better this way......


But I guess you weren't that in love and serious about any of them!


Haha I guess I was just bored and lonely hence why I did what I did.

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Haha I guess I was just bored and lonely hence why I did what I did.


because it's fun! To be wanted!

Because it's depressing to be with someone and that's it, no more fun or more opportunities

Because you are not sure, if you found the one, so you go out with others!


And so many other reasons, maybe it's because your friend did it...

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Yes it's cheating.

Kissing someone else when you're in a relationship... how can you even question whether that's cheating or not?


Whether or not you were fully invested in the relationship is irrelevant.

It is as much about your partner as it is about you.


I hope you continue to not cheat on your current boyfriend.

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I don't have a boyfriend and if I did I wouldn't cheat.


Sorry, I misunderstood part of your post.


So you do get that kissing another guy is cheating, right?

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I'm jealous of all you girls. I really am. Virtually unlimited dating pool. The men just flow to you and you decide if they get lucky or not. What is not to like? If I was a girl, I'd be such a slut. (Mind you I'm not insinuating that anyone in this thread is a slut, just that i would be one if I was in your shoes) :D

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Sorry, slutty women are judged infinitely more harshly than slutty men. Men are praised for being slutty, women are called nasty names

Very true.


The reasoning is the whole idea that 'the man has to chase, the woman only has to open her legs' sort of effort in achieving sex. I once read a metaphor for it 'A key that can open many locks is a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is just a ****ty key".


Not saying I agree or judge women - everyone is entitled to do what they want and enjoy this short life how they choose - but the double standard is there.


Anyway, Napy, if you were dating a guy seriously and you both communicated to each other that you're exclusive, yet you still kissed other guys, then yes, that's cheating. Otherwise, if no exclusivity conversation was ever had, you're in the clear.

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As much as I enjoy your posts Kim. You are not totally right on that idea.


As a man, I do not always desire some animilistic just **** for all my life, and nothing more. I actually desire commitment. And guys who are sluts as just as bad -in my book, as the women.


Interesting seeing as my ex thought only with her vagina ;) one would call her desires the counter of wanting to calm a Guy and thus create commitment...


Blah...lost my train of thought.

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Your phrase is just another way to degrade women for the selfish behavior <men> do. You are saying men are "keys" and women are "locks" Actually I would say WOMEN are keys. Women are the ones that force men to act more like human beings rather than animals. If we didnt do that, there would just be <sex>, no commitment no focus on anything other than sex and looks. Harsh but true


Women are allowed to be slutty and selfish just like men. Its 2013 and men need to get over it. <Men have> been dishing it out to us for centuries treating us like we are inferiors so really, just get over it.

Seems like I struck a bit of a chord here. I was specifically talking about the pursuit of sex and nothing more - which is a biological factor across all animals - the female chooses between many suitors (hence the ease of getting sex) and the male has to compete for affections. Lock and key. Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Well I learned my lessons all those years ago and don't plan on being a cheater ever again.

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If they werent exclusive its not cheating.


The thing is people differ in that some will regard that the woman NOT telling these men there are others, thats cheating. Some people think however, not voluntarily telling someone something isnt lying.


IMO, if the guys didnt ask for exclusivity and the woman did not say she wanted to be, she technically isnt in the wrong for doing this.


I see guys do this sort of behavior all the time and feel justified in it because they never told the girls they were exclusive and thus, not doing anything wrong. In PUA terms its called "spinning plates"


Men are more sensitive to whorish behavior in girls rather than the other way around. But its 2013 and we are supposed to be equal- so Im saying this girl did nothing wrong.



So the guy who does this isn't doing anything wrong either then, correct?

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Your phrase is just another way to degrade women for the selfish behavior you do. You are saying men are "keys" and women are "locks" Actually I would say WOMEN are keys. Women are the ones that force men to act more like human beings rather than animals. If we didnt do that, there would just be ****ing and ****ing, no commitment no focus on anything other than sex and looks. Harsh but true


Women are allowed to be slutty and selfish just like men. Its 2013 and men need to get the **** over it. Youve been dishing it out to us for centuries treating us like we are inferiors so really, just get over it.



These women you say are keys that force men to act more like humans? The irony with this statement is that women are the mothers of men. Ultimately, the change you seek lies with women. Maybe you should include ****ty mothers in your rants? Talk about double standards....start practicing the equality you preach.

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So the guy who does this isn't doing anything wrong either then, correct?


no gender is wrong if there is no exclusivity stated technically

id assume the person isnt into me though.

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