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Ex saw me with another girl


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So I got dumped 9 weeks ago. I tried so so so hard to get her back. She totally no contacted me from day one. Embarrassed me to freinds and family by calling them telling them to tell me not to contact her.


So Friday she finds out im seeing another girl. She texts me saying she hasnt kissed another guy let alone started sseing them and that I must've meant nothing to her if i moved on. I was the dumpee. Should I read into this text (the first ive had in 9 weeks).


To make matters worse, and I live in a city not a small town, im out with the new girl on Saturday.....and I see the ex. We were in the same bar. We did not even acknowledge each others presence, which is odd after 3.5 years. Are there any signs in her behaviour.....first furious anger, then total ignorance. I tried calling her so many times Sunday, Monday, to apologise if she was hurt. But no answer!


Too confused.....and I still love her :(

Edited by Couldntbemoreupset
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It shouldn't matter what she thinks. She dumped you, remember? Stop calling her, apologizing, etc because you can't make her NOT be mad at you. She needs to get it through her head that it's been 9 weeks and if you want to move on, it's your RIGHT to do so!


Don't base your actions around whether she's jerking you around. Next thing you know she going to be married with 2 kids but you still haven't dated because she might be "upset". Sorry but I believe in tough love when necessary and right now, ONE of you needs to grow up and man up. Make the clean break, respect her decision for you NOT to call her and move on. She made a choice not to be with you. Who cares if she hasn't kissed another guy? If she dumped you to be a nun, would you still not date either?


Stop calling. Calm your feelings. Breathe. Repeat: "I don't care how she acts, I DESERVE to be happy."

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Good going, get back out there and move on!


My advice would be to continue having fun with the new girl. If you're still in love with your ex then you can't get into anything serious with this new girl anytime soon.


Most importantly let the new girl know it's just fun for now and that you're fresh out of a serious relationship. Don't do the rebound relationship thing, this new girl doesn't deserve that.


Also, don't be calling or apologising to your ex. She's the dumper remember?

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Let your ex stew in her own juices.


She made her decision - end of.


She sees you with another girl - too bad - it's your life.


She's upset about that - tell her to grow up - you don't owe her anything any more.


You've shown her that you might actually have moved on from her. That's dented her pride and her belief that you might be on-call for whenever she NEEDS you. She's had a wake up call, a reality check.


Stop contacting her and let her contact you for a change.


Then, report in here. There'll be enough of us around to get back to you with advice.


Stay strong!

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If you had not called her Sat, Sun, Mon to find out if she was upset she would probably be at your feet right now begging you! You should have left her alone and let her imagination run wild. If you start begging her back and apologizing you are giving her the upper hand. Go back to dating until she begs you back.

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If she wanted to be with you, she wouldn't have dumped you. She's being a brat. Ignore her.

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Ego games from her. Call the girl you were with and tell her about it (sans embarrassing details) and ask her how she feels. She'll probably laugh.

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Ego games from her. Call the girl you were with and tell her about it (sans embarrassing details) and ask her how she feels. She'll probably laugh.


Uh..no. Definitely don't do this.

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