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question only for ppl good at cheating

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So I'm going to probably get flamed for this but here goes...


Background History:


I've been dating my gf for a very long time and throughout the time frequently visited escorts and actually dated a few on the side. For me, money really solves everything and when I'm flowering women with money, gifts and stuff they really eat it up. They know I'm in a relationship but because they are "working", and I am "supporting" them basically they are totally cool with it. I'm sure they have many similar relationship with rich married men...




I met a girl (normal one, not a working one) that I really want to sleep with. She really digs me and regularly talks to me via chat. She's in a different country so we don't see each other often but we have kept in contact constantly over a good 6 month time. Whenever we are together, we flirt alot with alot of touchy feely type flirting so I know that we are really in to each other.




She I tell her I have a gf and hope that she is cool with it? or should I not say anything? She lives in a different country, she is really into me and we won't see each other very often. But I really want to bang this girl!


Up until this point when I cheated on my gf, there has always been a financial transaction so it has always been cool but this is the first time that I am attempting to cheat on my gf with a "regular" girl.


So as the title says, this is for people only good at cheating so I would appreciate if the flaming comments about me being a "bad" guy or along those lines not be said because I know that I'm a dog and I honestly don't give a ****;)


But I would totally appreciate the help :)

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why, WHY are you in a relationship? Nobody gives a feck about who you put your penis in but why on earth would you even want to have a girlfriend if sleeping around is your number one priority?


Wouldn't it also instantly solve your problem if you were not in a relationship?

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If exclusivity is not your bag, don't lie your ass off to women whose priority it may be.


if you can't stay 'faithful' to one girl, and you're a player (which, buddy, you are) then act like one and don't mess with other peoples' minds.

Frankly, I couldn't give a schytt what you do with your dick or where you put it.


Just two things:

One - be honest.

Two - be safe.


you don't want to turn into a general carrier for every noxious sexual disease there is.


If you want to phukk around, go ahead.

Just don't pretend to be the faithful romantic puppy-dog and try to kid a woman.

You're a liar and a cheat.

The biggest cheat is on yourself.

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. I know that I'm a dog and I honestly don't give a ****;)


But I would totally appreciate the help :)


No pal, you're not a dog.


Dogs are generally much nicer. ;)


It's not our help you need.


A psychologist needs to help you find out why you think phukking every female orifice going seems to be your bag, while still pretending to a girl that you actually have no eyes for anyone else but her.

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Calvin's wagon

Don't insult dogs. They're one of the best things about the world, and what you're doing to your "GF" and trying to do to this girl is one of the worst.


Secondly, if you insist on being a piece of ----- and exposing your GF & this girl to STDs and other emotionally/physical damage, at least try to practice safe sex as much as it's possible, so that when your GF hopefully leaves you sooner rather than later, it will be without any physical diseases (don't worry, mentally you'll probably f--k her up more than you literally f---ed all those other women).


And leaving all my hate and dislike for cheating&exposing people to STDs, I still hope you don't get permanently hurt (no STD or anything like that), and that somehow, sooner than later, you will turn a corner and become a better, kinder&happier person.


For your sake and for the sake of others. Get therapy, see what went wrong in your childhood/life that made you desperately try to validate your self-worth & solve your childhood issues by banging all these women, who deserve much more in life than what you're doing to them. And you deserve much more from yourself.

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Ah..another guy with low self esteem who is too afraid to lose what he has, so he has to inflate his ego and not get caught at the same time. You shouldn't bother. Judging by the fact you have had to pay for this, you probably aren't attractive enough.

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So...You want advice on how to destroy someone's life? Haha....This is a joke right?! May whomever gives you advice to fulfill your wicked desires, when you should just do the poor girl a favor and leave her...Let that person be cursed too...


May justice spread her wings of wrath upon you, for daring to go down such a miserable road - that will cause hurt..

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What is wrong with you? Why would you openly go and ask for advice about how to cheat on someone. You don't understand the pain and grief you're potentially causing another human being. You are actively setting out to harm someone who you have alleged feelings for. You are absolutely disgusting and I hope your girlfriend has the sense to leave you as soon as possible.

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"bad" guy or along those lines not be said because I know that I'm a dog and I honestly don't give a ****;)


But I would totally appreciate the help :)


The fact that you dont give a **** about anyone but yourself does indeed, make you a bad person.


Why dont you train to be an astronaut, take a trip to the moon and then just stay there forever?

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Why do you have a girlfriend? Why cheat? I am with you on banging different chicks regularly, except for the part where it is hookers for you and you are a ****ing liar to a girl that thinks she is your girlfriend.

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The fact that you dont give a **** about anyone but yourself does indeed, make you a bad person.


Why dont you train to be an astronaut, take a trip to the moon and then just stay there forever?


The sun would be a better place :)

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No - he's not.


If it looks like schytt, smells like schytt and feels like schytt when you tread in it - then you know EXACTLY what it is.


It's good ol' honest-to-sidewalk dogschytt.


This Tro-lo-lo-lo-oll is nowhere near as honest.


Or real, for that matter.


he is that lump of plastic dogschytt you buy in joke shops.....

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