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Boyfriend vs Best Friend

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My boyfriend is a weirdo, and if anyone can explain what the matter is with him, please do.


My boyfriend and my best friend absolutley HATE each other, they cant even stand to be in the same room as each other. Last night I was at my house and my boyfriend and I were cooking tea. my best friend rang and asked if she could come over, being poliet I asked my boyfriend and he said if she comes I am going home. so I told her that she couldnt come over. I hung up the phone and said to him that I was not a child and I should have to ask him who can come over and I dont like one of his friends but I still "let" him go to his house. He went off his rocker and told me to bring my friend to my house and left - with tea 1/2 cooked. I tried to ring him on his cell phone and he hung up and turned it off.


What is his problem and what can I do ??????

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YOU ASK: "What is his problem and what can I do ??????"


You answered the first part of your question in your first sentence. Your boyfriend is a weirdo...a very immature one at that. He better learn to get along with people, at least tolerate all kinds of people, or he will never be successful in life. There are all kinds of people who will float by us during our journey on this planet.


His other problem is lack of consideration and respect for you. He should have the self discipline and self restraint to at least be civil to one of your friends, no matter how much he dislikes her. Now, I am saying this not knowing why he dislikes her. If she tried to murder him or a member of his family in the past, I can understand why he may not want to be around her. Or if there is some other compelling reason that is understandable, he may be justified. But to not be nice to one of your friends because he just doesn't like the way she acts or looks is totally wrong and inconsiderate.


The only things you can do is put up with your red neck, scum bag boyfriend, pray that he changes, wait around some years for him to mature if he ever does, or dump him. Your call.

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You shouldn't have to ask permission to have your best friend over. He is asking you to make a choice between him and her. A jealous, controlling man tries to alienate his woman from family and friends so she can be his alone.


This is not something you will be able to live with in the future. He is saying that he despises your taste in best friends, and is really insulting you.

YOU ASK: "What is his problem and what can I do ??????" You answered the first part of your question in your first sentence. Your boyfriend is a weirdo...a very immature one at that. He better learn to get along with people, at least tolerate all kinds of people, or he will never be successful in life. There are all kinds of people who will float by us during our journey on this planet. His other problem is lack of consideration and respect for you. He should have the self discipline and self restraint to at least be civil to one of your friends, no matter how much he dislikes her. Now, I am saying this not knowing why he dislikes her. If she tried to murder him or a member of his family in the past, I can understand why he may not want to be around her. Or if there is some other compelling reason that is understandable, he may be justified. But to not be nice to one of your friends because he just doesn't like the way she acts or looks is totally wrong and inconsiderate.


The only things you can do is put up with your red neck, scum bag boyfriend, pray that he changes, wait around some years for him to mature if he ever does, or dump him. Your call.

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One thing that I have really learned over the years is that no boyfriend, lover or husband is worth losing your best friend over. Friends will be your rock in times of need, and they are always there for you in the good times and the bad. Just think, if you alienate your best friend now, who will be there to support you when you break up with this controlling jerk?


Your friends are a treasure, you should treat them as such. If your control-freak boyfriend can't treat them with respect, then you should tell him HE can't come over.

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