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forbidden fruit

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I have been in a relationship for 3 years now. he is my best friend, brother, lover.. we're very compatible and get along very very well. however, recently we've been in a troubled period of our relationship with regular fights and him being annoyed by most of the things i do. we do not live together. he is just my bf. but i know that we would make a close to perfect life together and most probably this is going to happen if nothing goes wrong.

the problem is our regular fights that start to piss me off now.

now, twist in the story, there's this friend that i knew a time back a mere acquaintance. we reconnected 2 months back and talk to each other every day. he is abroad for studies and will be back in 3 months on holidays. he will then go back and finish his last year before coming back. there is some kind of attraction between us but i know it is wrong and try not to venture on that path. it seems that we cant not talk to each other. we do flirt sometimes. we had a serious talk yesterday and said this is wrong but we're both unhappy at this decision.

on the other hand, my bf and i still argue for nothing but i dont want to leave him. i am beginning to think that we are still together because we love each other but it isnt working right.

i dnt know what i should do. the friend and i relationship is impossible and baseless given he is abroad. but does flirting with him count as cheating?

then what about my bf? can we make it through the hard times which have been ongoing for more than 3 months now?

i am frustrated and depressed most of the time. this is also impacting on my studies given i have exams in 1.5 months and havent started revising yet.


i didnt mention that i do not want to lose that friend or to stop talking to him as ive become used to this and it makes me feel better.


Can someone help please?

Edited by madden
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