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Is this over the top or just no big deal?

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bob the brave

I posted this a while back, but had a discussion with friends that got me reflecting a bit. Just wondered what you thought?


Girl rejects a guy and makes fun of his height (he is 5'9" she is 5'7") and the fact that he liked her in front of coworkers. Then she hooks up with another coworker that is married with 2 young daughters. He drinks, gambles and cheats on craigslist and backpage have gang-bang orgries all the while lying to his wife and braiging about it all to coworkers. He also makes fun of the weaknesses of others to make himself feel good.


Knowing guy likes girl, he comes to him after they hook up and says, "I ****ed her and there is nothing you can do about it just to stroke his ego. Then months later she comes to guy saying player is a zero and wants to know if he cares for her. She is serious. He says no. Six months later, the players marriage is tanked he finds another girl friend and the girl gets married to someone she's only known for six months. BTW she already has a 3 year daughter from another relationship but was not married.


My friends say this is just normal relationship activity, playing around until you find the right person. It's al no big deal. I say it is ignorant, selfish exploitation that leaves respect for others in the dust. That these people care only about self-gratification and stroking there egos and they wouldn't know love if cupid crawled up their ***.


What do you think? Is this normal dating behavior and one should just roll with the punches or is respect still important?

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I think you should let it go. I mean really? What do you care what some ******* does? Why would you even be remotely interested in this woman? He's an idiot and she's a headcase. Let it go.

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I don't see how having kids with someone is feeling anything out or fooling around.

Nor do I see how breaking down other people's self esteem to make yourself feel better as something normal.

... Like this is a strange post because you are being so specific.

Why do you need clarification on this? Who cares what others think, it's very obvious you don't think this is good behavior. What sort of answer do you want? If you're looking to kick the "friends" who say that's ok to the curb; you don't need to be friends with people you don't agree with.

Gain some confidence and stop associating with these people.

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Hate to break it to you bob, but narcissism and instant gratification is the new social style.


Those of us who dont act this way will always have a free form of entertainment though. I think of it as likely living in the Jersey Shore house.

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Sadly this is becoming the new normal. I am becoming numb to it because if I let it bother me it just makes me angry.

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