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Fiance's married sleazeball of a friend is trying to get him to cheat too!

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I did something terrible. I was alone in the room with my fiance's cell phone and I read through his text messages. I am a nosy person and I feel really bad for doing so as I know it was wrong. I know that I have some apologizing to do.


Fiance's best friend will be visiting from Florida next week. I was excited to meet his childhood friend after hearing about him for so long. I've met all four of his best friends and their wives and we all get along so well!


This best friend in particular is married with two children, but you'd think otherwise from his texts! His best friend texted about his strategic plan to get both of them girls at the bars/clubs during his stay and asked for him not to bring me along. My fiance texted back that he is getting married next month, that he would never be unfaithful to me and he is taking our relationship very seriously. Best friend kept egging him on and ended the conversation with there will be temptation everywhere after my fiance kept refusing.


I am starting to feel uneasy about my fiance going out with this sleazeball of a friend now. I trust him, otherwise I wouldn't be marrying the man. We have a healthy relationship and he does have his alone time with his friends at a bar once a month to catch up which is great! However, his night out with his best friend doesn't sound like innocent fun and I think it is inappropriate to knowingly place yourself in temptation's path, even with the "strongest mind" in the world.


Any ideas on how to approach my fiance about this? Would you feel uneasy as well? How would you handle this?

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Get him to talk about his friend's character and then when they go out tell him you "trust" him. In other words, find an innocent way to get him talk about how his friend really is.

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Darren Steez

Look it would have been easier for your fiance to play along just to get him to quit yapping about it but he actually did a stand up thing and said no he doesn't want that.


Now you've made a rod for your own back by snooping (clearly you have issues besides "nosiness") now you've never met the friend before so you can't start bringing up the negative stuff from their private convos or they'll know you've been snooping. Unfortunately your fiance has not betrayed your faith in him, you'll just have to trust him.

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You don't find it a bit funny that you say you trust him... but you read through his messages... and at the end you say no, you don't really trust him.

If you don't believe the "strongest mind" can say no to temptation then there is nothing you can really do. Like the sleazeball said, there will be temptation everywhere, what are you going to do? Be some sort of husband shepherd your whole life, guiding him past sluts and stupid friends?

You don't trust him and now you see it's unjustified, that's what you'll have to address.

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