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I hate the cereal and the board game too.


Me too! Life needs a cereal box for neurotics. Because I can't eat when some kid is smiling at me!

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That is all



life do suck sometime but dont give up one day u will look back and see how beautiful your life really is it takes some people months or years to really let go of the past the pain the hurt this life brings but trust me u can do it in a moment and start living your life being as happy as u can no matter what

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Whenever someone puts a magazine or other publication on the coffee table with a kid or adult sporting the biggest grin I turn it over. If there is more on the opposite side I hide it under another mag or newspaper.


I put them under my seat and sit on them.

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The thing that changed my life I was told by a menton. Like a game of Poker.


"Sometimes in life you are dealt a **** hand. In life you want an Ace, King, Queen, Jack. That is a Royal Flush. When you get a hand that is a Two, three, six, eight and a ten. It doesn't matter. That is the hand you are dealt. You can whine about it all you want but one way or another if you want to succeed in life. You need to find a way to turn that crap hand into a winner."

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