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How much does race/culture matter to you in dating?

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BUT. That stance takes away your right to complain about somebody not liking YOU for YOUR race, since you dismiss an entire population based on race yourself - even though it's your own race you're rejecting.


Do you agree?


If they really do feel like that, then I can't blame them. I can't sit here and say that there isn't some form of truth in the color of my skin. If they came to that conclusion, then they seen the same stupid BS that I have seen.


I wish I was white myself. That alone will give me an immediate boost of confidence because I would also avoid the black people stereotypes that, sadly, has some form of merit. I seen it all the time the stupid crap that black people do and I'm sitting here thinking, "Well, damn. I got the same skin color as these animals. It certainly isn't doing me any favors."


Now I just avoid them completely.


Like, right now, my mother is bugging me with stupid questions concerning fast food after we got next month's Light and Water bill to be over $300.




It would be nice to actually meet some black people with common sense. They just don't exist down here. I already find it with a lot of non-black people though, which only depresses me even more.


There's nothing to be proud of with the skin color I have. If there is, I hasn't seen it yet.

Edited by ltjg45
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