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psychology of flirting

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OK, all you amateur psychologists analyze my situation. I'm a courier for FedEx and about a year ago was interested in a girl on my route. Based on her reactions, primarily the eye contact, I had to ask. I called her work number, she had a man, and that was that.


Now, I won't go into details but it is obvious she still notices me. I don't get the impression she is dropping hints, but I do believe she is curious and has thought about it. I'm on the reserved side and I think part of it is her just wanting to see if she can get me to talk. I don't feel comfortable because her coworkers are too close for me to say much more than hello.

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I called her work number, she had a man, and that was that.


Can you explain this bit? Does she work with her "man" or did she tell you that she's in a relationship?


If she's in a relationship, I think this is a non-starter. All you've got to go on is a bit of eye contact. Perhaps she's just looking for some mild flirtation to make the day go faster. It doesn't mean that she wants to take it any further.


And since she's a customer, there's might be a policy in the FedEx staff handbook that covers behaviour that might be considered stepping over the line.

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Finding another attractive isn't a crime and doesn't equate to cheating. Acting on the attraction would be cheating.

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Can you explain this bit? Does she work with her "man" or did she tell you that she's in a relationship?


If she's in a relationship, I think this is a non-starter. All you've got to go on is a bit of eye contact. Perhaps she's just looking for some mild flirtation to make the day go faster. It doesn't mean that she wants to take it any further.


And since she's a customer, there's might be a policy in the FedEx staff handbook that covers behaviour that might be considered stepping over the line.


No, she doesn't work w/ her bf. I'm in her office park around noon and twice in the last few months I've had a feeling someone was looking at me. It was her both times, once when I was driving up to her building and the other time at a stop light. She is busy, works on deadlines, but she always has time. This past week she signed for the first time in months. Her back was to me when I walked in and she proceeded to stand right in front of me, smiling the whole time.

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Was she not creeped out that you got her work number through her packages?


I'm confused. Are you alluding to the psychology of stalking?


If so then ... well ... that makes more sense to me than the OP's original question. But I must say his original question (and line of thought) made no sense to me (as I tried to view it from as coming from possibly a mature, stable, rational person), so what do I know...

Edited by AbeNormal
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OK, all you amateur psychologists analyze my situation. I'm a courier for FedEx and about a year ago was interested in a girl on my route. Based on her reactions, primarily the eye contact, I had to ask. I called her work number, she had a man, and that was that.


Now, I won't go into details but it is obvious she still notices me. I don't get the impression she is dropping hints, but I do believe she is curious and has thought about it. I'm on the reserved side and I think part of it is her just wanting to see if she can get me to talk. I don't feel comfortable because her coworkers are too close for me to say much more than hello.


She is just a garden variety attention whore. She probably bats her eyes at every swinging dick that passes her by because she is so insecure in herself that she needs and craves this CONSTANT validation..Its her drug. Maybe if she was more into you she might be sucking your dick in the back of your truck. Who knows...Sorry to be so crude, but I have run into this before..


I feel bad for her man....



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OK, all you amateur psychologists analyze my situation. I'm a courier for FedEx and about a year ago was interested in a girl on my route. Based on her reactions, primarily the eye contact, I had to ask. I called her work number, she had a man, and that was that.


Now, I won't go into details but it is obvious she still notices me. I don't get the impression she is dropping hints, but I do believe she is curious and has thought about it. I'm on the reserved side and I think part of it is her just wanting to see if she can get me to talk. I don't feel comfortable because her coworkers are too close for me to say much more than hello.


Clearly. And I need to stop imagining that I read non-existent posts on LoveShack.

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Darren Steez

I work with women who given a chance would absolutely flirt with me. I know for a fact they are in relationships so having been cheated on it makes me bloody sick.


There is harmless flirting where you don't take it past a certain level, anything overtly sexual or suggestive. Light teasing/joking maybe ok. The prolonged eye contact and come ons are a no no.

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Was she not creeped out that you got her work number through her packages?


Actually, her company has a trailer on their lot for advertising. I got the number from that, and no, she wasn't "creeped out" as you put it. She was congenial and thanked me for the offer.

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