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male friend talking about sex..


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We've been friends for ages but the last month or so he's started talking about sex alot. He talks about it as a genereal topic and cause I fancy him, I join in. He sometimes, if we talk on IM (but never in person or on the phone) makes jokey comments bout us having sex. He's also told me hes looking for a special relationship and none of the girls he meets are up to his standards. He's told me before that he thinks we are looking for the same things in a relationship. He calls me his best friend, his closest confidant and someone who actually understands him. But lately all he talks about is sex! Or about how great he is! Oh and he teases me often, saying he knows I am interested in him..... I deny it because I dont know if he is interested in me or just bigging up his own ego...

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He could be "bigging his ego" or he could be interested in you. I suggest you say something like, "well I don't have sex with guys I'm not in a relationship with." Then you should start ignoring him. ;) If he wants a relationship with you he needs to wine and dine you. :cool:

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You can have this guy if you want him. Sure, he's interested. He's just protecting himself by playing it slow and seeing if you take the bait.

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