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... why doesn't he like staying over?


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I had a business trip in another city and it coincided with me meeting this guy.


He was really keen, text me everyday - I'm not looking for a relationship, especially not a long distance one and while i'm fond of him, I don't have very strong feelings for him. So I was happy to keep it casual and thought we were on the same wavelength.


He's a friend of a friend and I have heard he sleeps around a lot and has been in trouble for seeing two girls at the same time. This doesn't bother me and frankly, I consider it none of my business who he sleeps with. He has had a long term girlfriend, who he broke up with last year and seems to be quite sweet and genuine so I'm trying not to judge him on things I've heard from other people.


The first few times we hooked up, he stayed over at my hotel room then went to work as usual in the morning.


Now I made a joke comment about how he kept me up all night (I don't sleep well when he stays over but I didn't really mind). He took it more serious than I intended and apologized and hasn't stayed over since.


Last time we met up, he wanted to chat for a bit before we got down to business. He also started asking me how much I liked him (and told me he liked me), all of which I found a bit unusual for a casual fling.


Which has left me really confused;


Why is he asking me if I like him if it's been casual? he explicitly said he did not want a girlfriend. Plus he hasn't done much to show me he's interested,so is he just being a bit of a player?


Also, why all of a sudden doesn't he want to stay over? I don't mind if he stays or goes, I just find it odd. I prefer to be upfront about these type of things but I'm not sure how to ask him haha


I need some advice on how to bring this all out into the open, or get a guys perspective??

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Who knows what's going on in this guys head. I could be anything. He could be trying to manipulate you or maybe he wants to see if a woman could actually like him for who he is. The best advice I can give is to do things that don't involve sex and see how he reacts. And how you both feel. But don't just do anything. Do something that's fun for both of you and just enjoy the time.


Most people are indirect about how they feel. Sometimes over talking things doesn't help. Just relax and let things take their natural course.

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