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Is this cheating?

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I met my ex almost a year ago. We went out for a month then became monogamous. A couple of months into the relationship he was sexting other girls trying to have sex with them and i found out...so i left him and i dont think he ever slept with any, but if the opportunity was given he would have taken it... Then i go back for round 2 after three months he claimed he'd change....and everything was going fine then i check his phone before going home and he's texting other girls trying to have sex once again so i dump. A couple of days ago after 4 months of NC i asked why he strung me along so long...he said its because he liked me he was just seeking attention as in someone to tell him he's good looking bcs i never did. He said he wasn't looking to replace me he was just seeking attention elsewhere...I love him and he's military and i know the military are well known for not being faithful due to travel etc. But i still love him and i want to be with him... do i share my feelings or just let it go?

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From my, and I'd think 99.9% of peoples perspective ABSOLUTELY, it's cheating on steroids... Question is, how does it make you feel? IMO, you must share what you feel, see what is said, if you can live with it, etc. Best of luck to you.

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