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Is this puberty?

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I am currently raising my youngest brother, 12, and at times I wonder if our breakdown in communication is because I'm on edge, or if he is getting to a stage in life where he feels he needs to test the limit in every conversation. I am currently attending school full time, which can be much, but I always try to keep a level head.


Any feedback would be helpful here.

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Unless you have done something MASSIVELY wrong then it is probably puberty.


Please try and be understand towards him, this is just as difficult and confusing for him as it is you. Make sure you have had the talk as well and just encourage the fact that you are there to support him through his life choices and that he can always talk to you. Maybe promote having some time just the two of you to build the relationship up because even if you are really close, puberty can cause a massive drift. The more time you spend together like this the easier it will be for you both to communicate to each other.

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Thank you Steve, for the advice. I never thought about how confusing this could be for him. We spend most of our time together, which can at times be the issue, but we don't usually plan fun things to do. Which is what I will look into now. Gosh, 8 more years of this seems daunting!


Thanks again!

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It will get worse yet, but also easier eventually. As he gets older, it will be trickier for you, you need to let him know you are there for him but step back a bit to. Don't try and solve all his problems, just let him know he can go to you if he wants.


Take it from me, now approaching the end of those 8 years!

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And yes 12 is the age where they start acting different. My little brother is 12 and going through the same phase.

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all children go through this phase. It's not out of the ordinary for a child to rebel. And yes it is probably puberty, although I thought boys started later than girls. I began puberty when I was 10.

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