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Well i found out the girl i liked was somewhat seeing another guy, but here's a funny catch, she said she would want to hang out with me sometime which was a bit of a suprise. Anyways, i would like to know if anybody has had expierence with this? what i am puzzled over still is that now i think she knows i like her, thanks to a friend...help please

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Very smart girl. Hang out with her. This is a gal who covers her bases well. If things don't work out with the other guy, you move up to first string.


Or maybe she wants to see if she may like you better.


In any case, we know she's not yet head over heals for the guy she is "somewhat seeing" now. And she's been honest with you too...that's a BIG plus.

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If that's the way you catch the girl, that's how you 'll lose the girl. She'll do the same to you that she's willing to do to this other guy.

Well i found out the girl i liked was somewhat seeing another guy, but here's a funny catch, she said she would want to hang out with me sometime which was a bit of a suprise. Anyways, i would like to know if anybody has had expierence with this? what i am puzzled over still is that now i think she knows i like her, thanks to a friend...help please
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I'd tread carefully if i were you mike. this girl sounds very much like a close relative of mine - she's with a guy at the moment, but also 'hangs out' with a guy who has feelings for her. the only thing is, this guy who she 'hangs out' with, is being led on by my sister, and has been for around 2 years now. if this girl is anything like my sister, she's hanging on to you in case things don't work out with this other guy. if this other guy hurts her, or if they break up, she will always have this guy she 'hangs out' with to fall back on.


you'd want to hope that this isn't a pattern for this girl. she just might end up with you oneday and find another guy to 'hang out' with while she's with you.


don't let her get your hopes up, and find a girl who is not attached in any way and wants you for you.

Well i found out the girl i liked was somewhat seeing another guy, but here's a funny catch, she said she would want to hang out with me sometime which was a bit of a suprise. Anyways, i would like to know if anybody has had expierence with this? what i am puzzled over still is that now i think she knows i like her, thanks to a friend...help please
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When you say "she said she would want to hang out with me sometime," it sounds like she is throwing you a bone and doing you a big favor. It's like, "I like this other guy but I want to hang out with you SOMETIME, when I call the shots. You just have to wait around until I am available and, if nothing else interesting is going on, I'll hang out with you."


If that is OK with you, fine, but I don't think it sounds like too great a deal for you, unless you want to aggressively win her away from her current guy-interest.

I'd tread carefully if i were you mike. this girl sounds very much like a close relative of mine - she's with a guy at the moment, but also 'hangs out' with a guy who has feelings for her. the only thing is, this guy who she 'hangs out' with, is being led on by my sister, and has been for around 2 years now. if this girl is anything like my sister, she's hanging on to you in case things don't work out with this other guy. if this other guy hurts her, or if they break up, she will always have this guy she 'hangs out' with to fall back on. you'd want to hope that this isn't a pattern for this girl. she just might end up with you oneday and find another guy to 'hang out' with while she's with you. don't let her get your hopes up, and find a girl who is not attached in any way and wants you for you.
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