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Need Advise !!!


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Well i'm not sure if my old posts were here.. ANyway my gf broke up with me 3 months ago and dumped me for her bad boy ex boyfriend. Anyway i tried to plead with her and finally stopped 3 weeks ago. I told myself thats it. I went online saw her she didn't say anything and i signed off. Today she ims me with hey how r u. I answered her back in about 3 mintues because i was so shocked. ANyway we started talking and i asked her why didn't she call me back. She said he couldn't talk on the phone about that kind of stuff. So i told her so u left me to think about **** and never atleast emailed me to tell me why she never called when she said she was.


THe last time i called her she was a t work. I told her i missed her and i finally said it I love You. She paused and told me she had to go.


Anyway so i told her if she still wants to talk we can. She said she thinks we shud. We talkede about school. Then i asked her why did she get back with her boyfriend. She told me i hurt her by fighting with her in public and stuffa and that her ex boyfriend was just there she needed someone to fall back on. I told her that i wish i could change things but shyt happens and whats important is what happens now. She asked me what do we talk about when we see each other. I told her we talk about what we're feeling when we see each other. She said ok. So after all the working out i'm meeting her next friday. I wanted to this weekened but she didn't want to. I think she's afraid or something because she said first lets meet at school.


Is this her way of her trying to get feelings back at me. I tried playing it cool but i'm a sucker for love. I still love her and i said it in a way which wasn't direct. I told her i wanted to hug her and she said she wanted to also. She said she felt like crying, and i told her that you shoulnd't cry for anyone. Anyway she promised me to email me her schduele tonight and i told her i'd write her back.


What do you guys suggest when and if i meet her. She made me feel bad and i felt like crying at times too..

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one of my pet peeves is fighting in public. i think you should tell her how you feel but also evaluate the concept of public quarrels... and maybe u shoudl ask her what bothers her so u know before you do something... trust me communication is the best way, and honesty.

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