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I have no idea what's going on, does he like me ?

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So basically I met this guy when I was 17, I am now 21 years old and we have pretty much been on/off the entire time we have known eachother so for five years. We have never been in an official relationship, at the beginning when we were teenagers he had just got out of a long term relationship before he met me and it was a pretty rough relationship that kind of scared him from getting into another one. Because he had a girlfriend when we first met I kind of just gave up on him straight away because he was taken but then they split up and he tracked me down and was the one that made the first move and everything was going great we were hanging out loads watching movies and we became romantic but we didn't sleep together or anything at this point.


We had a bit of a rollercoaster ride then and silly games were played because we were young and just wanted to make eachother jealous really. We ended up sleeping together about 2 and half years later for the first time, he was really sweet about it all and never pressured me, he waited until I was ready which I thought was weird because we weren't even in a proper relationship. Then in August 2011 he told me that we should just be friends then and never get together again. It broke my heart and I was miserable for weeks, I had applied for university for the following year and the choice was between home (Ireland) and away in England. I chose to go away. When I came back home at halloween he told me that he missed me and that he didn't want to be just friends but we were both at different universities so a relationship wouldn't work etc and things started back up again. We kept hooking up everytime I was home and also hanging out, he would pick me up from nights out and he started to talk to me alot more.


Recently the past two times I have been home, in February there and now for Easter he has been acting really weird, he asked me to go down to see him at university the other week which I did and he acted really couply with me and cuddled me to sleep and said he didn't want me to leave and stuff then a few nights ago he picked me up after a night out and was saying he hoped he'd see me again soon.


I'm sorry that this is so long but I am so confused and have no idea what the hell this guy is playing at, five years is a long time and I know a lot of people would say hes using me and he just wants one thing and I could understand that if that's how we started but we didn't. We were basically unofficially dating for 2 and a half years before anything sexual happened and even now we still hang out because we are in the same circle of friends and just have a laugh. He really confuses me though I have no idea what he wants, whether he is scared to actually commit to me or whether he's just playing me, please help! ):

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I think he wants to have his cake and eat it too!! He does really want you...but he wants to be able to see others....just my option/thought

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What do you want thou?


As for what he's playing for, just ask him - straight up no messing around!

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