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How do you center yourself?

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If you are going through an emotionally rough time, how do you center yourself so that you have a better perspective on what's going on?


Like...any tips for meditation?


Do you find that prayer helps?


Any special foods or smells?


I'm going through a rough time with some friends, and would like any calming advice.





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Prayer definately helps me. There is a "centering prayer" in the Catholic faith.


Meditation is so easy that it is hard. I have been meditating for a long time and found that you have to let everything go. If you have thoughts it is okay to let them go. Just watch them like a movie and let them pass. Never pressure yourelf to stop the thoughts because that is a struggle and it doesn't work.


I found sometimes earlugs work for me.


Also search the word gangaji on google.


Hope this helps! :D

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i read that as 'any tips for medication'




i have bipolar disorder (as i'm sure we all know by now) and i get panic attacks.


sometimes (most of the time) when a panic attack hits, i am able to just breathe through it, and think about it logically. i sit down in a small space and i kind of do the fetal position (while still sitting). i focus on just breathing. once my breathing is under control i think about my problem rationally. i tell myself when something is not a rational thought and i don't let myself repeat it. then in a little while i go and watch part of a movie i like or i listen to some good music. within 30min or so, i'm good to go.


the bipolar disorder is first treated with medication, but i usually do the same thing with trying to think about things rationally. talking through problems with my roomate works wonders as well. better out than in, i always say (meaning: talk, talk, talk)


for other life problems, roomy and my ritual is to order a large thin crust pizza and an order of cheesy bread. we drink coke (but we don't order it because neither of us is allowed to have caffeine) and watch movies.


i go for really long walks. sometimes alone, sometimes i can rope someone into going with me (if their legs can stand it-i walk for hours). sometimes i go out in the rain-that always makes me feel better.


a big cup of rose tea is lovely, well, any kind of tea works. caffeine free of course.


i go to the park and swing my heart out. when i'm happy or sad. stressed or carefree. you can't beat swinging.

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Thanks Butch and Lydia! I'm actually looking online right now. Just thinking about meditation is somewhat calming!


Lydia, yes, I am bipolar, too. I'm going to get some real meds here, soon.


I hate panic attacks. I'm sort of going through one of those right now.

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isn't it odd how many bipolar people find their way to LS. Hmmm....

anyway, breathing is everything YL. EVERYTHING....in yogic philosophy its called pranayama, and controlled breathing exercises are the basis for both yoga and meditation. I suggest doing some reading up on yoga, you might not be into the practicing of poses part, but the breathing and relaxation techniques, as well as the tools for detatchment are mondo helpful. As you know, I too am bipolar and it has helped me so much. Yoga journal is a great magazine and their website has so many AWESOME articles about dealing with every kind of stress in your life...if you would like to check it out its here...


I also recommend that you listen to some Mozart or toher healing music and if you are interested in a good book on the healing power of music "The Mozart Effect" is really great.

Also keep in mind that like the others have said, every aspect of your senses are involved in your emotions, so having a great aromatic atmosphere, calming lighting, music and controlled breathing are an awesome combination...when I move into a new house I am going to have a "quiet space" or "sacred space" just for peace and quiet, a place with no negative energy...until then I just go outside and look at a beautiful flower or watch birds or look at the sky. Never underestimate the healing power of nature. ;)

Yes I'm a shameless tree hugging weirdo.

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I agree that breathing is helpful. I get panic attacks in public and I find that deep, yogic breathing helps it go away. And I think about what would happen if I did totally freak out in public. People would look at me, sure, but then what? We'd all go about our day. It's like worrying that you're going to trip in public. I believe most people are just as scared as I am. Also, I just try to remember that I am simply a carbon-based life form like any other and that if I just stop trying to control my 'living,' it just happens.

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Yes I'm a shameless tree hugging weirdo


Yeah, I as well am a bleeding heart liberal.


Thanks for the thoughts on Yoga, LR.


Perhaps it would be a good idea to get involved in that. That way, I could keep the mind set when I got upset.


As for being bi-polar, you, me, and lydiamarie makes three!!


I'm such an odd ball, but I don't care. :laugh:

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Also, I just try to remember that I am simply a carbon-based life form like any other and that if I just stop trying to control my 'living,' it just happens.


I like that way of thinking.



I'm starting to calm down, taking deep, calming breaths, and I'm going to a pretty place that I dream about sometimes.


Mmm...no more caffinated coffee...mmmm.....

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I am like a pshyco Tony Robbins follower.... He teaches a thing called POWER TALK it makes you talk to yourself and say wonderful things about your self or look in the mirror and smile for 5 minutes sounds goofy but it makes you laugh your ass off.. That always makes me feel better.

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whats the fun in that. I for one just avoid situations completely that make me uncomfortable or cause me to have panic attacks. I know that it isn't possible at all times, but a great deal of it is within your control. Like for instance, I learned a long time ago that I cannot go to movies that have just opened because there are too many people, I feel very crowded and eventually start to feel so claustraphobic that I start hyperventilating. So I wait until movies have been out for a while or just get it when it comes out on video. I have learned that modifying your life to fit your needs isn't nearly as much of an "escape" from reality as everyone tries to put it off as. Everyone always thinks that if you avoid something because it makes you uncomfortable then you are succumbing to your "disease" or otherwise admitting defeat or something, I don't agree with that at all. I think that everyones life is what they make of it, and just because everyone else in the whole world but you thinks/acts/does something doesn't mean that's the right way for your life to be. I'm happiest when I'm in a quiet uncrowded environment in the company of honest loving people. I prefer to sit alone in the woods or admiring a great sunset than participating in the rat race of modern society. If that makes me a "defeated" hermit then so be it. But I tell you what, you'll never meet a happier, more caring, more honest sensitive hermit than me. I mean there are certain things in life that are musts, but there is so much grey area that you can make those "musts" mean whatever they need to be for you.

We are all carbon based life forms-this i true, but I am glad that I am not like everyone else. I don't think I could live unless I could feel, good, bad and otherwise. :o

"normal is a cycle on a washing machine"

and by the way, caffiene is no good for the bipolar my love. no good at all.

and like stoneheather was saying, daily affirmations can work wonders...if you tell yourself something long enough and with enough conviction, you will eventually start to believe it. ah the wonders of the subconcious mind!

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First of all hugs to all of you.


Panic attacks suck. I have been ill since last December, and thanks to the pain, and the medications and stuff, I have developed a panic disorder. I am "Normally" such an out going person, and for a while I was feeling so imprisoned by this.


I love labyrinths myself. There are two awesome ones at Grace Cathedral in SF. One is inside, the other is outside. There is something about walked them that calms me down and helps me thing. Someday I want one in my yard.


I am learning Tai Chi from my honey. I do meditation (the so easy its hard thing is SO true). Qi Gong is awesome. I love yoga. I have a wonderful CD that is called Music to Heal by. I try to listen to it at least once a day.


Essential oils rock! Peppermint oil has many interesting uses. Lavender oil is so soothing. You can also put a small pinch of dried lavender in your tea. Make a small pouch with dried lavender in it and toss it in with your clothes as you dry them.


I had a panic attack on the public transportation which was awful. I was sitting there breathing (or trying to) and reminding myself that I would probably never see these people again, and if they did they would probably recognize me but I wouldn't them. Suddenly there was a tiny voice in my ear. This small kid (around four or so) sat down beside me, and put his hand on my arm. He said, "I dun wike the twain eiver. Suckers help. Wanna share mine?" Needless to say I was soon smiling.

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First of all hugs to all of you.


I'm a big hugger, too!



I dun wike the twain eiver. Suckers help. Wanna share mine?"


Aren't children amazing, sometimes?


I'd like to get into doing those complex sand designs that the Buddhists use.



have learned that modifying your life to fit your needs isn't nearly as much of an "escape" from reality as everyone tries to put it off as. Everyone always thinks that if you avoid something because it makes you uncomfortable then you are succumbing to your "disease" or otherwise admitting defeat or something,


I think that there is a big difference between running from your fears, and knowing what's both good and bad from you. I'm scared of an abusive man, but I'm not going to put myself in that kind of position just to prove that I can face my fears.


I'm happiest when I'm in a quiet uncrowded environment in the company of honest loving people. I prefer to sit alone in the woods or admiring a great sunset than participating in the rat race of modern society.


The east coast is great for country living. :)

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I love children. It's a shame that they grow up into humans. and I love mazes and labyrinths. The tao philosophy behind winding walkways is that simply walking the path is like a journey in itself, each turn symbolizing a new turn in life, each focal point an image to contemplate and each bush, plant, tree with a life and meaning of its own. I'm just going to go ahead and spell everything out, I love all things yoga, spiritual, wiccan, buddhist, tao, philosophy, shaman, nature, in every possible aspect. I am constantly researching and studying everything and anything about everything and anything. It is all so facinating and wonderful. Astral projection, feng shui, astrology, fairies, ghosts, karma, reincarnation, angels...everything. I am going to eventually learn all aspects of alternative medicine, possibly go to school to be a doctor of naturopathy, but specifically interested in being an aromatherapist, massage therapist, yoga instructor, meditation instructor, organic gardner, energy (vibrational) healer, chromotherapist, and music healer. I love it all. And every bit of it has so much to teach everyone and it makes you feel so wonderful and whole inside. At least it has for me. Anyways, hello, my name is loveregardless, nice to meet you...

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You smoke a f*cking Dubee and you sit there in your room in the dark and you close your eyes and forget about how f*cked up this world is!

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You smoke a f*cking Dubee and you sit there in your room in the dark and you close your eyes and forget about how f*cked up this world is!


Maybe you should too, sweet heart. :laugh:


Don't be so silly! If someone wants to think positively, and they are into things you don't understand, then don't attack them.


In our opinion, its better to be open minded and positive because dwelling on the harshness of the world gets you no where but bitter and angry.


I've been both, and I hate myself when I am like that.


Lol. Sorry, I just think that its ridiculous that people are like, "Go smoke a doobie," when other people talk about happiness and spiritual matters.

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Spritual whatever I dont even care I just wanted to tell someone to go get high!


And the world is f*cked up there's nothing positive in it..its all lies, deceit, and bullsh*t. Not even children are honest and pure anymore!


Positive enlightment..ha!....happiness ha! w/e life sucks and there are no friends.


I'm sorry you hate yourself sometimes.

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we don't need to be told to get high. we do enough of that on our own, when the situation is appropriate. again, would you like to borrow my glass. I already promised it to afighter but if you need it I'm sure they will share. i'm sorry that you feel the need to be so hostile however, but do you really think that adding more negativity and putrid disdain to the mix makes it any better? ...if I were there I would hug you. Read my quote, read it again, and then read it again...and if you still don't get it....read it again.

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They like being angry, and they're going to stay angry no matter what happens. lol.


Yes, the world is a bad, dark place. Bah, humbug. What's Love anyway?


Perhaps you prefer that train of thought, WNYK. That's cool. Go an be unhappy and jaded. I'm going to consciously choose to see what good there is in the world, and focusing on that rather then all of the bad, crappy things that happen to everyone every day all the time.


Personally, I think I'm really lucky to be where I am, and to know the people I know, and to have the things that I have, and the love that I have...


If I lived in a worse place, I'd have a right to hate the world.


Others aren't so lucky. I do what I can to help out, and I pray for those I can't reach.

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if you acknowledge that the world is a sad, awful place and yet refuse to act on that in anyway other than with a bad additude and disdain for others, then you are a part of that sadness and awfulness. If you want there to be good in the world, BE THE GOOD. Nothing ever gets better, nothing ever changes when you sit around waiting on everyone else to take action or better yet just give up all together. giving up is always a very positive stand to make. ;):(:confused::eek:

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i just remembered a few other things that i do:


i bought a pair of ballet slippers and i dance around my house in them. i love hardwood floors :)


i keep bottles of lotion all over the house because when i freak out i need something to focus on. rubbing lotion into my hands and feet really helps, as does the scent of the lotion.


johnson and johnson makes this lavender bedtime bath that smells wonderful. it is so soothing. i put some of it in a bath and take a soak, or i'll fill up a bowl with hot water and put some in and soak my feet. instant relief.

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you have such large breasts its distracting. i've never been so jealous of a cartoon in my life....well...except for Jessica Rabbit...uh oh...(lighbulb) I'm gonna find me a Jessica Rabbit icon....yupperoo


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I keep watching them, and I don't know why!




I keep telling myself that it's just a cartoon, and that no earthly woman has breasts that large and perky...


you have such large breasts its distracting. i've never been so jealous of a cartoon in my life....well...except for Jessica Rabbit...uh oh...(lighbulb) I'm gonna find me a Jessica Rabbit icon....yupperoo


Lol. Right on.



johnson and johnson makes this lavender bedtime bath that smells wonderful. it is so soothing. i put some of it in a bath and take a soak, or i'll fill up a bowl with hot water and put some in and soak my feet. instant relief.


I want that. I love lavender.


I think it was Ghandi who said, "Be the change you want to see." or something of that nature.

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