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How do you center yourself?

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so I'm not the only one! Ha Ha :laugh:

BTW my boyfreind and I always say that we are going to get each others name tattood on our a$$es when we get married. That way if anyone is ever interested in knowing, this a$$ is already taken. :D

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I think you guys are in denial and you know life sucks for you.


I know you sit in bed sometimes and cry and think that life sucks and you wish things were different.


And you can't do a damn thing about it but go get high. And I suggest after you do get high go on over to Faux's store and order a bottle of "CUM" and swallow your sorrows in that.



And why tattoo your ass if you love him tattoo your forhead!

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that perhaps you should save the overanalyzing for someone who is asking for it. You are completely right, I do cry at night...I cry alot. I know the world is a sad place, no one here is pretending to deny that. the difference is that we do not choose to add to that sorrow and negativity by being a part of the problem as obviously you have chosen to do. too bad for you, because YOU WORLD must suck a whole lot more than mine does. Oh well, go get high and forget about it, go get so high that you can't type anymore...that would be blessed. and do me a favor and don't post your helpful advice to anyone who is truley suffering because they certainly do not need your kidn of help. Some of the people here are REALLY going through things that need to be treated with respect and kindness, not sarcasm and hatefullness. you see, this is the times when the forcefield idea doesn't work for me and I have to remind myself that some people are just sad. I feel sorry for you. :(

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We all cry.


Tears are cleansing. IF you let them be.


We all feel hopeless at times.


We are HUMAN.


Its part of life. But when I don't like something, I change it. When I feel overwhelmed, I push through it. Who has time to be bitter? Not me. I am too busy living. Some days are wonderful. Some days suck.


Growth as a human being is not a painless process guided by Cupid like angels who shoot arrows of love to clear our paths. Growth hurts. Dulling the pain only stops your progress.


Let me tell you darlin. Kids these days suffer for the mistakes adults make. If they have lost their innocence its because it was stolen from them.


Yes, Be the change. Be excellent to each other. Live and love every minute. Cry when you need to, scream when you have to, and laugh the rest of the time. It will keep your sane.


Anytime you need a hug, I have a spare or ten.

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Originally posted by loveregardless

you have such large breasts its distracting. i've never been so jealous of a cartoon in my life....well...except for Jessica Rabbit...uh oh...(lighbulb) I'm gonna find me a Jessica Rabbit icon....yupperoo



Feel free to stick a dollar in there.......LOL

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wait a minute...i got a nickle and 3 pennies thats the best i can do right now. what'll that get me?! :D

seriously mr. man with the bad additude, just stop reading if it bothers you so mcuh. or maybe you just have some deep seated emotional problems of your own that you are too afraid to share with the class. awe, everybody be nice to wellnowuknow, he's got his grumpy pants on today. :bunny:

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It's MS.....just thought I'd let you know I have my grumpy SKIRT on today!


Right. I usually wear mine on days that I get up before noon. lol.

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Originally posted by loveregardless

wait a minute...i got a nickle and 3 pennies thats the best i can do right now. what'll that get me?! :D:bunny:


LOL an 8 second show

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thats way more than I could have asked for! Hahaha :lmao:

I'm going to be having dirty dreams about cartoons tonight I just know it! :laugh:

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