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Advice Please

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Hey everyone…..

I have a couple of things. I am currently fighting a long battle of being insecure. My relationship is wonderful right now and I think I am slowing improving and I don’t want to mess up im doing so well.


Currently my bf is about 6 hrs away for work (he does electrical) and last night was the first night in our entire relationship that he didn’t call to say good night. I tried to call him and I got voice mail which means his phone was off. He called this morning and said hi and he loves me and stuff and said that last night his battery was dead so he turned it off and this morning when he turned it on he had a bit of juice left so he called me.


I need help stop thinking that he either didn’t want me to call to he was too busy doing “something else” and didn’t want me to interrupt so he turned it off.


I worry a lot I know…for no reason it seems a lot of time. Last time I saw him I made him mad by something I said. And I said did that upset you and e said no and I said are u mad he said no. He lied to me which I don’t know if I should just pass up as him just being a guy and (not talking bout his feelings, which he isn’t a very emotional or feelings guy) or if I should be afraid he isn’t always telling the truth?


He has never lied before, never been unfaithful, always is affectionate, tells me how he feels about me and everything. Its just I put all this together and makes me worried.


Can someone help me curve my worries

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you need to chill

your fears are groundless

you said so yourself.

Common man!

This is life, not shakespeare (i didn't capitalize him because i am angry at him)

Chilling is what you need to master.


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