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ha listen to this


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So, I had seen him today at the store. I have been kinda paranoid that it's obvious so I've maintained 'tunnel vision' while shopping so I didn't appear as a creepy gawker or something. So, I was standing in line. This cashier was soo slow so I went to self check out. I had heard his name over the intercom and so I knew he was there. Standing there in line was so awkward. So, at self checkout lo and behold Who is standing Right There at the next register? Yea, And Of Course this dear sweet lady was paying with coins! Yea! So I'm standing there like oh my gawd, I was Probably Totally blushing. So I kinda look down at a few baskets. I look around ever so easily at other self check out registers. I stand there like a dork, feeling geeky as a kid. There! I see this register devoid of the presence of human life, so I walk over there. The ten Most self aware steps I'd taken in awhile. So, la de da my back is to him, I sigh with relief. See ever since first posting here I've felt Much better. More relaxed about it. O.k so I'm scanning, and I Do talk to myself And make gestures in private and public, and I'm like oh! I've got to withdraw. The reason I went there in the First place. So, I walk Over to the next register and grab a pack of mints. In the meantime I'm thinking to myself, well at least this way he can see my cute figure and booty! Ha ha. And Oh! Ohhmg it looks like he's growing his hair out some and I could see it beginning to become curly again and Omg I Swear I felt faintness. Sigh. Ahh so while at the second transaction who walks Right in front of me? Like, less than 4 feet away? I would Prefer to think I composed myself quickly. For the purposes of maintaining Any sort of dignity I Will believe that lol. So, yea I look and I think omg! Its him! Ohh oh oh. I. Totally. Swooned. I almost Died. Ha ha I feel like an angsty teen. Oh, and I so so very badly wanted him to say something, carry the grocery bag or even Look at me. Thaaats right. He didn't even look at me when he walked Right in Front of me! Aauuggh. Absolutely did Not Even. Look at me. Which is ok because I very well may have died if he had. Surely my face would be so red. Ahh. So, I get in my car, crank it up and take a guess at the song playing.


Go on..




That's right, the love shack.



And so I'm like, omg ha ha I have got to tell you people this story.

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