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I just want to be with him... soon.

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If anyone of you have read my previous post, well me and my ex bf got back, we are not spending this long distance relationship again for 2 months now.


He is from Alabama and Im from Philippines. Yes its 2,000 miles away. I felt that he loves me now more than he did before. But I get confused, when I talk about the papers that we need to start processing my visit visa (that is our plan, for me to visit him instead of him visiting me), he wouldnt want to talk about it, he always reason out something like he is tired and not the right time to talk about things like that. I really dont know when is the right time, cause everytime I brought it up he has reason not to discuss it :(, I really hope that Im not wasting my time.


Can u guys tell me any advise. Thanks.

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