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NEED ADVISE Dating Sep. mm, should I leave??

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I've been dating a separated mm for 2 years and we live together with his children. Everything is great, me and his kids get along fine and i love them just like they were my own. I even met his estranged wife a few times and surpisingly we got along..


The problem is he has promised me millions of times once he gets the money they will file for divorce. I know that money is a big issue and he is struggling to get his finances straighted out. (He has "alot of debt") but to this day they havn't filed it and im getting a little impatient. he tells me he has no intentions of getting back with her and I believe him, but LEGALLY they are still married.


My mother believes he is truly a good guy and that he treats me as his wife and we don't need a peice of paper to show that. BUT he's still "LEGALLY" married to the ex!! Should I wait until his finances are straight and see if he divorces her or threatin to leave it he doesn't do it right now on my terms? Any advise?? :o

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Since you KNEW what the situation was (him not able to file until everything was cleared up) what gives you the right to start "demanding" that he do things on YOUR terms??


It would be different if he didn't have a reason, didn't live together with you, kept playing back and forth, ect. But since you two are basically like a "married couple" what's the rush?? Why is it so important for him to "shed" that "married" title?

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Well if it's an easy divorce it should not be that expensive. If you want him to divorce so bad, why don't you pay for it?

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