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I don't see how the windshield wiper move strengthens that little muscle. It's all core, I just tried it. ??


By leg lifts, what do you mean? Side lying, I'm assuming?

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This is a very very good clip on knee pain and the causes (especially if you run on unstable surface) of it but has an excellent section on glute medius/hips specifically from about 6:40. It's all about the monster walk (carrying a log is optional :))


Download video Navy SEAL BUD/S Training Preventing Knee Pain - SEALSWCC.COM | Official Website U.S. Navy SEALs

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Like Emilia suggested, monster walks are great. You can buy resistance bands of various tensions that make these easy to accomplish.


Another one I've had to do (as prescribed by a physical therapist back when I had knee pain) were standing single leg side extensions using a very light thera-band. Basically, I would loop one end around my ankle, and secure the other end (in a door or something) and do like 30-40 reps at a time. Believe it or not, apparently these work the static side more than the side you're moving.


It's one of the few muscles that heavy compound movements like squats and deadlifts don't seem to really hit that well. Definitely good to do some "prehab" work on them before you get saddled with knee pain.

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I've also used cables for single leg extension in the gym. That's pretty good too.

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What muscle is that? Like the side indent on your butt?


It's in SG's original post, hard to get a better pic than that

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I love floor work while wearing leg weights. Lifts and tightens the entire hip and thigh area. I've never been to a gym.

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