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My relationship

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Ok I have been going out with this guy for almost a month, he is the sweetest caring guy i have ever met. I pulled the most stupidest stunt ever. My brother and my father are complete a**h***s sometimes, they like lead another life on the internet, they have profiles on love sites and talk to people when they are both married. I found out some stuff recently about my father being on another site so this little voice in my head was like oh god if they could do it could this guy be like that. I honestly dont know why i even thought it he is always there for me whenever he possibly can, always telling me how much he likes me. I have honestly never met someone so great like him, i have went through getting cheated on and getting abused so it's different. I really love being with him every minute that i can. Well anyways I made up a profile on an internet site that I met him on and made up an e-mail addy and screen name. I was acting like this different person, i asked him if he was single and seeing anyone and he told me no he wasnt seeing anybody, he was single. So then later on I asked him where do we stand, is he talking to anybody else. He then told me no. So I was like oh god tell me this isnt happening to me, I wanted to end the other person thing right there and tell him all about it but my sister law was like no you cant do that yet and she got in and started iming him on the screen name i made up. She finally said nevermind just tell him cause i know you want to, when i did he told me that he had known all along cause he checked the ip addy from the e-mail addy or something. So now he's pissed at me, i feel like ****. I have never done such a stupid thing in my life. If i could take it all back now i would never have done it because i have to stop thinking not every guy is an a**h***. I just screwed up the greatest thing that has happened to me in a long time. He's not talking to me right now, i just feel like the worst person in the world.

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Well I could understand if he were cheating and messing around and your idea of creating a fictious person to see if he would * take the bait * were appropriate but sadly he was internet **savvy** and knew it was *you* and now he realizes you did not trust him and he has put a time out on this relationship.


I don't know if he will learn to accept your trust issues or not. I can't say because I am not him but this was a BIG boo boo on your part....


Maybe he will understand ...maybe not.

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What kind of interent connection do you have?

He can only see your ip if it is a static one not a dynamic.



Just a hunch but he may have turned the tables on you. Don't rule it out.

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I agree with Butchey, it is quite likely that's what he did.


Even if he really knew it was you to begin with, he should have spoken to you about it straight away if he loved you rather than wait for you to pull it off so he can get mad.


Either way, it looks bad to me.


Good luck.



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Originally posted by Butchey

What kind of interent connection do you have?

He can only see your ip if it is a static one not a dynamic.



Just a hunch but he may have turned the tables on you. Don't rule it out.



Can you explain that? Does that mean that whatever computer you start an email account with, say, like a hotmail account, that it can be tracked back to you? Is it just the computer you start it with, or even every computer you check from?

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Yeah, can someone please explain how you can track someone's IP address from an email?


Doubt you've been following my posts, but this crazy gal is accusing me of sending her harassing emails and she says that she tracked the IP address to my computer. This is through Yahoo mail. Just wondering how one would track this IP address because then I could prove it is not me.

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Perhaps this guy DIDN'T know it was you, and simply said that to get out of a potentially sticky situation with you?


If he knew it was you, why wouldn't he confront you about it?


Was there anything different about his behaviour after you starting this pretend profile? Like did he seem distant, angry, snippy with you at all?


Or did he seem normal (like he really didn't know anything..)

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Although this is not the forum for computer stuff this is a little info.


ips are logged by service providers including yahoo mail etc. he must have access to these logs.


if you are on dialup you have a dynamic ip address and don't have to worry. it changes everytime you logon.


check your browser options to see if you obtain ip address automatically. this is good.


static ips don't change therefore someone can actually log your keystrokes with a little spy program. They need to know your ip# and have hacked through a firewall (hopefully you have one).


Unless he is computer savy and has your ip address, I think he is B.S.ing you. :eek:

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Don't be so hard on yourself. This too shall pass. Live and learn you know... and you have lots of living to do. A year from now all this won't matter at all. Keep trying for the guy if you like him. But be light about it and smile a-lot if you can.


Learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes. Do the best you can, but this wont be your last mistake.

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