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In love with 2 guys at the same time?

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I have fallen for my friend!


I am soooo confused. I have been in a 2 yr. relationship. Before I met my current bf, I was casually dating someone. He asked me to take it to the next level, but I didn't feel the connection, and I said no. However, we remained friends. Then I met my current bf and fell head over heels in love. A yr. into the relationship, we broke up b/c my bf was unfaithful, and out of the blue I ran into the other guy. We started to date, and I started to fall for him! He was amazing. But...my ex came back into the picture...and I suppose the history with him won out, and we started to work out our differences. I still thought about the other guy alot though...couldn't really get him out of my head...so I decided I should just not contact him for awhile, and focus on working out my relationship. One day I ran into him, and learned he had a gf! I was really upset...and I didn't know why! I mean, I had a bf, and I was very happy...so I shouldn't care. That was back in July. I thought I should give him space to enjoy his relationship b/c he hadn't been in one for quite some time. But, lately our paths have been crossing more and more. We live in a college town, so it's not uncommon to run into one another on occasion. We've been text messaging or instant messaging a little bit here and there...nothing romantic, just how are you, how's school/work, but I can't lie, I think I do feel something. To make it more complicated, my bf has been absolutely terrific and so supportive of me and my career goals...I couldnt ask for more out of a bf. But I don't know how to deal with these feelings I'm having for the other guy, who I think is now single. It's to the point where I don't really want to see him to have lunch or get coffee, because I think I might enjoy it too much! Has anyone ever been conflicted like this before? I feel like I care for 2 guys at the same time! And would I be the most horrible person alive if I broke it off with my bf just to see if something is there?


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You are not the only one confused. It appears you are trying to have your cake and eat it too. Pardon the cliche.


I don't know exactly what I can say other than.........Don't F*** over your currnet bf.

If you don't see a future with him let him know asap. If you do then don't entertain the other guy. Yea, your friends, but guys are all about sex. You have to cut it off with one of them. I just hope you choose right. I'm confused. :D

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i am from china. my english is not good. os don't catch your words full. but i think ,at first,u should forget all, until u have a good mood. after all u need work or rest...., then .....

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I've been there before, except I was only dating my ex-boyfriend for 3 months so it was easier to separate from him. Here's my abbreviated story:


Met a guy friend and my ex-boyfriend around the same time. Starting dating ex and was just good friends with the other guy, however I developed feelings for him 3 months into my relationship with my ex. I started acting distant with my boyfriend at the time and we had a fight one night and he broke up with me. The next morning he called to beg me back and I took the opportunity to tell him that I wanted to see other people but still date him and he was ok with that.


I then started dating my friend and was still confused on how I felt but my actions told the true story. Subconsiously I was sabotaging my relationship with my boyfriend and finally called it quits with him and exclusively dated the other guy.


To this day we're still together, live together, and he's the one I'm going to marry. Just follow your heart and if you're still confused take a good look at your actions. That will probably give you a good inkling to your true feelings. Good luck!

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