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I need an outside opinion.

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I need an outside opinion.

I have been married for two years to what I thought a wonderful man..

I started catching my husband lies about 5 weeks ago..He loves to talk on the CB..

Well one night it came over loud and clear on our TV in the house,he was speaking with a women on the CB and in real friendly terms like he knows her personally..

He asked her how her computer since he put the new modem in it..

How her dogs were..

He also works on computers once in a while..

I could not ever remember any woman dropping her computer off at our home to be fixed.

So I asked him about this..He said she was a old friend of his and she had dropped the computer off at his job..

Of course I asked why not at our home..


So a few weeks later this lady calls here and ask to speak with him .We did have two phone lines new for the house one for the shop..But we went back to one phone line..She starts talking to me about how well she knows my hubby.

Then boom she says one thing that rings bells in my head.This was a lady he had a sexual affair with a few months before I met him..

So I really do get suspicious?

I ask him a few question not in mean accusing way just asked.Well the out come was lie after lie..Long story but my god at the cover up he was doing.

Should I be worried about this?

Also where he works has two phone line one for the fax's machine and one for calling ..He works 3rd shift for the city.

He is their alone all night..

Anyone could come and go and no one would be the wiser.

Ok the point about that is one night I called and the phone was busy for over 3 hrs..

I finally did get through and he said the fax machine was going off and he took the phone off the hook that it was something he did on a regular bases,that he had told me that.

Out of the two years we have been married and I stay up late and talk to him almost every night..

I have never had the phone to be busy like that..

So now here I am thinking he has the woman at his job and to keep me from finding out he took the phone off the hook.So am I nuts here?

Don't want to become this crazed person thinking the worse..

But I have always believe why lie if your not hiding something to lie about..

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Is it possible to find out what this woman drives and see if she hangs out at his job? Do you have a girlfriend that will observe him a few nights or can you afford to hire a PI? Not knowing and being suspicious will drive you nuts. I think your woman's intuition is kicking in for a reason.

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