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The right one - too soon? UPDATE

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Well, me and Ms. (The right one - too soon) met for lunch yesterday. This was the first time we had seen each other on a one-to-one basis. Up to now, all the other times I had seen her were either unplanned or we met with others as a group. I was rather nervous. The hormones were in high gear, I had sweaty palms, the whole works. We got a few things out in the open and cleared the air about my current 'situation'. Right or wrong, I told her I have an attraction for her and that I was interested in spending more time with her and getting to know her better. She was very flattered, paid me several compliments and expressed an interest in me too. However, she also expressed her reluctance to get too involved with someone in my situation, a very smart move. I TOLD YOU SHE'S A CATCH! I TOLD YOU! She handled herself like a true lady, which, of course, left me slobbering all over myself after we parted.


Anyway, I hope I can maintain my composure. If nothing else, she and I WILL become good friends, and I could not have written and order for a better one. We will see each other again Wednesday in the company of other friends and acquaintances. Who knows what after that. Only time will tell.

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Very good, Ed. Keep things cool but let her know how special she is to you, without showering her with attention. Your intelligence and personality should win her over. Take your time, it will work out if she is the right one.

Well, me and Ms. (The right one - too soon) met for lunch yesterday. This was the first time we had seen each other on a one-to-one basis. Up to now, all the other times I had seen her were either unplanned or we met with others as a group. I was rather nervous. The hormones were in high gear, I had sweaty palms, the whole works. We got a few things out in the open and cleared the air about my current 'situation'. Right or wrong, I told her I have an attraction for her and that I was interested in spending more time with her and getting to know her better. She was very flattered, paid me several compliments and expressed an interest in me too. However, she also expressed her reluctance to get too involved with someone in my situation, a very smart move. I TOLD YOU SHE'S A CATCH! I TOLD YOU! She handled herself like a true lady, which, of course, left me slobbering all over myself after we parted.


Anyway, I hope I can maintain my composure. If nothing else, she and I WILL become good friends, and I could not have written and order for a better one. We will see each other again Wednesday in the company of other friends and acquaintances. Who knows what after that. Only time will tell.

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I'm so happy for you! She definitely does sound like a catch! I hope everything works out for you. You're right.


Only time will tell. Take your time, go with the flow and everything will fall right into place.

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