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So is he or isn't he?

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I need some advice. I have been talking to this guy for about a month and a half and recently started dating. He's really great when we're together. He tells me that he's so lucky he found me and how beautiful I am all the time. But that's when we see each other, which is about three times a week.


The rest of the week, we almost always talk through email while we're at work. After work, he'll call for a few minutes but that's all I hear from him all day. He has a lot of friends that are girls. And he hangs out with them a lot, alone.....Like last night, he was over at his "friends" house until 11 at night. And when I called while he was over there, he didn't answer his phone. When I showed him that I was upset, he got really defensive. He said that his "friend" was married to his best friend at work and he was on vacation and she was lonely so he went over there to keep her company. Lonely?


I've never dated a guy where most of his friends were girls, let alone where he hung out with them. I have a hard time trusting people, but this is beyond me. So I guess what i'm asking is does the above situation sound suspicious? Should I be concerned? Should I just get over my jealousy and trust him for pete's sake?

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You should be strong and trust him. What kind of commitment do you have? Did you and he decide not to date other people?


Unless you have concrete evidence that he is doing something wrong, don't accuse him of anything.

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Thanks for responding. Yes, we have decided not to date other people. I understand that you can't accuse people of stuff that you have no evidence of, but it's hard to have evidence of anything when they live a 1/2 hour away from you. So even if he was cheating, I would never know about it.


Also, these girls that he hangs out with. I don't know them, I've never even met them. I've never met any of his friends come to think of it. My friends all think it's weird that we have been dating for several weeks and I've never even been to his apartment. I mean, it's more convenient for him to come to my place because I live alone and he has a roommate. I didn't think anything of it until my friend mentioned it. Is this weird?

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Yes it's weird.


Insist on seeing his place and meeting his friends.


Unless he has something to hide, this shouldn't be an issue.

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