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Questions for Nic regarding diabetes

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Thanks Nic for your helpful advice and website address. I looked it up and found it quite helpful, but it did't seem to address sexual problems for younger people with the disease the way I had hoped.


I still don't understand how and why sex could affect a person's blood sugar that much and the whole purpose of regulating one's blood sugar before having sex. He just seems too young to be faced with impotence problems, and I know an old man in his sixities with the same disease and he tells me it shouldn't really have such an effect on a man of 36. THis older man did experience impotence problems, but solved them by getting an artificial device installed to help him overcome impotence. Do you think my boyfriend might have to do the same as this older man?

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testing the blood sugar level before sex is a good idea, because muscles use up the glucose in your blood for energy and although your body will start to release stores of glucose from your liver it may not be enough. As a result your blood glucose level may drop too low. once you have stopped exercising your body will need to replace the stores of glucose it may have used up and will also need extra glucose for your muscles to recover. this means there is still a risk of your blood glucose levels dropping too low even for some time after you've stopped doing your activity. i know that this is the case if a person is hypoglaecemic. glucose is needed for energy, and if the glucose levels are low, the energy levels are low.


recent studies have shown that erectile problems in men with diabetes have been treated with some success with viagra. but of course, an appointment with his doctor is imperative. this study was conducted among men with type I (insulin-dependent) or type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes.


it occurs at an earlier age in men with diabetes than in men in the general population and from memory, it affects 35 percent to 75 percent of men with diabetes. this old man may not have been affected by it when he was younger, but then every persons body reacts in different ways, and if your boyfriend is particularly anxious, this will greatly affect him.


impotence can be physical or psychological or a combination of the two. psychological causes can include stress, depression, difficulties with the relationship, general loss of interest in sex, feelings of inadequacy and many other reasons. often physical and psychological causes are seen together with impotence.


i know over here we have alternatives such as viagra and caverject injections, but the best thing would still be to visit your doctor, because only he knows your boyfriends medical history, is a professional, and he knows a lot, lot more than i do. your boyfriends erection problems could likely be psychological as well, so his doctor would be the best person to manage this for him and advise him what to do. just continue to support him, and be patient and you will get through this just fine.


just be sure to make an appointment with the doctor because these problems are very manageable. with a professional medical advice, you will overcome this together. his doctor will also be able to put it in much better english than i can, and will have all the necessary resources to help you both.

Thanks Nic for your helpful advice and website address. I looked it up and found it quite helpful, but it did't seem to address sexual problems for younger people with the disease the way I had hoped. I still don't understand how and why sex could affect a person's blood sugar that much and the whole purpose of regulating one's blood sugar before having sex. He just seems too young to be faced with impotence problems, and I know an old man in his sixities with the same disease and he tells me it shouldn't really have such an effect on a man of 36. THis older man did experience impotence problems, but solved them by getting an artificial device installed to help him overcome impotence. Do you think my boyfriend might have to do the same as this older man?
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