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I was scoped out by a demon

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Twice in my life I've spoken in tongues. It was horrible. The other guests were woken up, the Italian house keeper as well as Asian tourists understood me. I was shouting vulgar things and making threats. Just into the darkness of the front door I had opened.


I'm confused. Speaking in tongues is to speak the language of angels. It is God's language apparently.


It wouldn't make sense to me that you would be shouting vulgar things or making threats, or that others would even understand you if you were speaking in tongues.

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I'm confused. Speaking in tongues is to speak the language of angels. It is God's language apparently.


It wouldn't make sense to me that you would be shouting vulgar things or making threats, or that others would even understand you if you were speaking in tongues.


Oh, I could totally be calling it the wrong thing and please correct me if you can. I was speaking in a language I didn't understand. I understood my thoughts, my intent, but not the words coming from my mouth. I speak only English. That's all I have. Of the people who explained what I said, one heard me speak Italian and the other heard me speak Japanese, some specific kind of it in fact.

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I'm confused. Speaking in tongues is to speak the language of angels. It is God's language apparently.


It wouldn't make sense to me that you would be shouting vulgar things or making threats, or that others would even understand you if you were speaking in tongues.


Is that true? Tongues is the language of angels? I'm not challenging you, I'm actually interested to see if you know a verse to support that. I know manna is the food of angels. That would be interesting if they had their own language. Although I suspect based on my study of Scripture that there are many "races" of angels--Seraphim and Cherubim being just a few. But do they have their own language and do they all speak the same? Is there even such a thing as spoken language in the spiritual world?

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Is that true? Tongues is the language of angels? I'm not challenging you, I'm actually interested to see if you know a verse to support that. I know manna is the food of angels. That would be interesting if they had their own language. Although I suspect based on my study of Scripture that there are many "races" of angels--Seraphim and Cherubim being just a few. But do they have their own language and do they all speak the same? Is there even such a thing as spoken language in the spiritual world?


According to Christian belief, yes. Tongues is the language of God/Angels and the heavenly world. I believe I read that tongues is mentioned in 35 passages in the bible. (New Testament).



There are five places in the New Testament where speaking in tongues is referred to explicitly:


  • Mark 16:17, which records the instructions of Christ to the apostles, including his description that "they will speak with new tongues" as a sign that would follow "them that believe" in him. Many scholars take Mark 16:8 as the original ending and believe the ending (Mark 16:9-20) was written later. (see Mark 16)
  • Acts 2, which describes an occurrence of speaking in tongues in Jerusalem at Pentecost, though with various interpretations. Specifically, "every man heard them speak in his own language" and wondered "how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?"
  • Acts 10:46, when the household of Cornelius in Caesarea spoke in tongues, and those present compared it to the speaking in tongues that occurred at Pentecost.
  • Acts 19:6, when a group of approximately a dozen men spoke in tongues in Ephesus as they received the Holy Spirit while the apostle Paul laid his hands upon them.
  • 1 Cor 12, 13, 14, where Paul discusses speaking in "various kinds of tongues" as part of his wider discussion of the gifts of the Spirit; his remarks shed some light on his own speaking in tongues as well as how the gift of speaking in tongues was to be used in the church.

Edited by KatZee
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Well that sounds in one respect like what I explained, although clearly I am human. I have tried to explain it to myself as some kind of psychotic episode although I have never had another sort. I wasnt on medication or drinking.

It creeps me out sometimes.


I realize I have no business asking a serious question about such topics, as I have so little knowledge . Also, I'm not saved or religious in any real way.


Thank you for your thoughts. I can't imagine bringing this up anywhere else and am thinking I shouldn't have here.


Sorry for the t/j!

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According to Christian belief, yes. Tongues is the language of God/Angels and the heavenly world. I believe I read that tongues is mentioned in 35 passages in the bible. (New Testament).



There are five places in the New Testament where speaking in tongues is referred to explicitly:



  • Mark 16:17, which records the instructions of Christ to the apostles, including his description that "they will speak with new tongues" as a sign that would follow "them that believe" in him. Many scholars take Mark 16:8 as the original ending and believe the ending (Mark 16:9-20) was written later. (see Mark 16)
  • Acts 2, which describes an occurrence of speaking in tongues in Jerusalem at Pentecost, though with various interpretations. Specifically, "every man heard them speak in his own language" and wondered "how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?"
  • Acts 10:46, when the household of Cornelius in Caesarea spoke in tongues, and those present compared it to the speaking in tongues that occurred at Pentecost.
  • Acts 19:6, when a group of approximately a dozen men spoke in tongues in Ephesus as they received the Holy Spirit while the apostle Paul laid his hands upon them.
  • 1 Cor 12, 13, 14, where Paul discusses speaking in "various kinds of tongues" as part of his wider discussion of the gifts of the Spirit; his remarks shed some light on his own speaking in tongues as well as how the gift of speaking in tongues was to be used in the church.


Very, very nice. Thanks.


But is there a specific verse that directly connects the speaking of tongues as speaking the language of angels?


I've always used Acts 2 to support the belief that tongies was primarily used to spread the Gospel. It says, ""every man heard them speak in his own language" and wondered "how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?"


To me that suggests it was a practical thing used to spread the Gospel. However, I am very open to the idea that it had more than one purpose.

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I have had two experiences that have stayed with me and I have no idea what they meant. But it was something important. I was raised catholic up until age 14...but casually so. Non practicing ever since. Just for background. I do believe in God . I think I have a working relationship with God. My daughter really isn't sure because, we've never practiced any religion.


Twice in my life I've spoken in tongues. I know it's crazy. I don't discuss it, but it happened, and ...I will ask you for thoughts.


Both times I had been sleeping. It's almost as though I was sleep walking.

I had dreams before I got up. Dreams of literally fighting off something awful, putting my family behind me, being afraid but not too afraid to fight. I got up, went down the stairs to the front door and ....shouted it. I didn't understand myself what I was saying. Once I was at home. The other time , different place, I was in a bed and breakfast. It was horrible. The other guests were woken up, the Italian house keeper as well as Asian tourists understood me. I was shouting vulgar things and making threats. Just into the darkness of the front door I had opened.


I know it's something but I don't know what. I could not possibly discuss this n real life.


2Sure ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))), you know, I've known you on LS for some time now and you are anything but what is described in bold. (((((hugs)))) again love...

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Very, very nice. Thanks.


But is there a specific verse that directly connects the speaking of tongues as speaking the language of angels?


I've always used Acts 2 to support the belief that tongies was primarily used to spread the Gospel. It says, ""every man heard them speak in his own language" and wondered "how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?"


To me that suggests it was a practical thing used to spread the Gospel. However, I am very open to the idea that it had more than one purpose.


Tongues is used in prayer and spiritual warfare for the purpose of bypassing the enemy.

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Agreed. And also why I've never wanted to research the web on the subject.

But I know I was fighting on the side of God, that's why I was afraid but confident.


Maybe I misread the above post I quoted you on- do you feel like you in some sort of warfare?

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I'm confused. Speaking in tongues is to speak the language of angels. It is God's language apparently.


It wouldn't make sense to me that you would be shouting vulgar things or making threats, or that others would even understand you if you were speaking in tongues.


Geeee... I think one of my first posts on this subject involved learning their LANGUAGE. Yes, Christians may see it as speaking in tongues.


I know people that have studied and understand some of the various languages and dialects. I have some familiarity with them....

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Maybe I misread the above post I quoted you on- do you feel like you in some sort of warfare?


Yes, that's it.

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And certainly its easy enough to write the whole thing off as an intense dream. But there were people who heard what they did.


I couldn't sleep last night for thinking about it all again. But have not researched anything at all, because to be honest, I have serious doubts about ...really anything like this.


Anyway, as far as warfare . That's EXACTLY what it was. Not a confrontation, like a battle. As if I were about to engage. it had that fight or flight feeling?

And I felt as though I were protecting my family, in the dream part I was putting them behind me. Very emotional. But I didn't recognize them as anyone I knew, no specific family family members.


We were asked to leave in the morning. It truly was awful.

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Geeee... I think one of my first posts on this subject involved learning their LANGUAGE. Yes, Christians may see it as speaking in tongues.


I know people that have studied and understand some of the various languages and dialects. I have some familiarity with them....


This is precisely why it's more accurate to view angels/demons as extraterrestrials rather than vague ideas or spirits. Start with the reference point of a human being. Then add more intelligence, plus the ability to transcend the physical body. That is more like what an angel/demon is. After all, Scripture says in Isaiah that God made mankind "a little lower than the angels". This implies we are very much like them. If we speak, they speak. If we have technology, they have technology. If we engage in worship, they engage in worship.

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Last night I was sleeping and I was awoken at 3:00 am on the dot. For those of you that don't know, that is the devil's hour. I had gotten up to get some water and came back to bed and pulled the covers over me. Then the cover was lifted straight up and pulled away from me. It didn't slide off the bed, it was pulled up off of me. It scared the living heck out of me. My heart started to pound so hard, and it wasn't racing, but just pounding very hard that I could hear it and feel it almost coming out of my chest. I began to say the prayer "our father who art in heaven..." and almost immediately my heart went back to normal and I didn't feel scared anymore and drifted back to sleep.


WHAT was that?! I don't even like to talk about it!

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Last night I was sleeping and I was awoken at 3:00 am on the dot. For those of you that don't know, that is the devil's hour. I had gotten up to get some water and came back to bed and pulled the covers over me. Then the cover was lifted straight up and pulled away from me. It didn't slide off the bed, it was pulled up off of me. It scared the living heck out of me. My heart started to pound so hard, and it wasn't racing, but just pounding very hard that I could hear it and feel it almost coming out of my chest. I began to say the prayer "our father who art in heaven..." and almost immediately my heart went back to normal and I didn't feel scared anymore and drifted back to sleep.


WHAT was that?! I don't even like to talk about it!


Yeah it's hard to know what is perception in the mind versus what is reality. Or if there is overlap. And to what degree and when.


I have woken up out of sleep and immediately swung my arm and punched the side of the bed. I don't know why I did. I didn't see anything. I just punched the bed.

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Were you afraid during your experience?


The experience in my OP? Not very much. Somehow deep down I knew what I was looking at--whether emotionally or intellectually. I remember thinking for those few seconds: if you are a demon you have no place here.


However, in PRIOR sleep paralysis experience, I was terrified simply due to the inability to move, even thought I saw nothing those times.


One thing to remember is even angels and demons are not omniscient. They don't know how a person will react until it happens. Maybe that demon wasn't sure how I'd respond and, when I didn't shrivel up in fear, he realized it was pointless and that's when he darted away.


I am willing to consider another possibility:


It might have been a "warning" from God. There is the verse about "sin crouching at your door". Funny, but this demon was literally crouching at my window. So if this is the correct explanation, then EITHER way it's good and for my edification. If I was able to not show fear to a demon, I am encouraged. If I received a warning shot from God, the I am spared a possible evil.

Edited by M30USA
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I've come to understand that highly spiritual people, people who have "higher frequency", are more open to the types of experiences you all have posted here. I understand this from my own experience. We are also much more connected to the spiritual realm when we sleep, or the stage just before sleep, when our subtle consciousness comes to the forefront.

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I've come to understand that highly spiritual people, people who have "higher frequency", are more open to the types of experiences you all have posted here. I understand this from my own experience. We are also much more connected to the spiritual realm when we sleep, or the stage just before sleep, when our subtle consciousness comes to the forefront.


I have recently begun attempts to be like Jesus and live by the Holy Spirit even when it directly conflicts with the physical flesh. The Bible says God CANNOT be pleased in the flesh. Only the spirit.


However, all spirit is not holy. This is the danger of just being a "spiritual person" without the discernment of spirits spoken of by Paul.

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I understand what you are saying. That is why it is often said that spiritual people are on the edge, we can fall to one side or the other.

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I understand what you are saying. That is why it is often said that spiritual people are on the edge, we can fall to one side or the other.


That is the VERY PURPOSE of this life on earth. I keep saying we are in one big sifting filter. God has purposed to make new sons of God (similar to angels) from what started out as dust from the earth. We are all, at any given time, getting more solidified and stuck to the world where we call this home, or we are being transformed into a people set apart for God--for which all creation will be subjected to, according to Paul. We shall be joint heirs with Christ if we follow this difficult path and live not by what we see but rather by faith in the Word of God.

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I have recently begun attempts to be like Jesus and live by the Holy Spirit even when it directly conflicts with the physical flesh. The Bible says God CANNOT be pleased in the flesh. Only the spirit.


However, all spirit is not holy. This is the danger of just being a "spiritual person" without the discernment of spirits spoken of by Paul.


.. and without love.


Take care,

Eve x

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question - based on all you people's god and satan talk in this thread (sry but it was just too long to read all of it), I presume that you are in the camp that discounts science and instead believes in creationism (god created the universe a few thousand years ago, the rapture is coming, that kinda stuff)?

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too true...you knwo what else...teh thought of people standign beside you in spirit.......when i hear these voices i also think about people who would stand beside me and pray if they knew i was in trouble....one in particular.....it helps..i believe in standing side by side through all things.....we were never meant to stand alone.....so thank you......i appreciate your strength and thoughts....gods words are sharp edged swords.....protection comfort ....and peace of mind an dheart....as are the people who believe with you.....we are never alone....never.......dark of night or light of day....jesus was here to guide the way.....side by side....hugs.....deb


Amen! :)


Beautifully stated. :bunny:


Love you Deb and am so thankful you are alive!!! :love:

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