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I keep getting cheated on

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I'm not sure if this happens due to my condition. I have Asperger's syndrome and sometimes have trouble relating to others; not only that but I also at times stutter a bit. As a child, I was the quiet one in class, not talking to anyone and kids were mean then.


Dating has given me some trouble as it's hard to get a yes. Somehow I got into a relationship and on the 5th month or so, I get cheated on and she leaves.


Now in this current 1 year-old relationship and the longest one for me, I found out through the guy that she's been cheating for about 2 months. She kept denying till she couldn't anymore. Then comes the crying and her begging me to take her back, that is a mistake and how she'll never do it again.


Should I just accept that due to my condition, I'll always get cheated on and taken for a fool; I don't have too many friends anyway. I took her back but not it still hurts. How do I know it's not going to happen again?

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You know the saying of "correlation does not imply causation"? I wouldn't resign yourself to a life of being cheated on.


But there is one constant and that's you. Examine the commonalities of your preferences in women by matching the two cheaters in behaviours and looks. Then match your pattern of behaviour with the two women. If nothing else, this exercise might help you learn something about yourself and social dynamics.

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It breaks my heart to read your words FS. As an aspie, no you do not have to accept anything that doesn't work for you in a relationship. Cheating is about the issues of the cheater, not the betrayed. You have no way of knowing if this girl will cheat again in the future, but she's shown you she's capable. Don't settle just because of your "condition." You deserve someone that will love you just the way you are. Only you can decide if this girl is worth the risk.

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