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Do you believe in ghosts?

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Here's a video that creeped me out. I honestly can't think of a rational explanation for the shape you can see coming out of the room at around the 1:30 mark.


That doesn't mean there isn't a rational explanation, it just means I can't think of one. It's one of the most realistic ghost videos I've seen, and I've seen a lot. Most of them are explainable, but this one is weird.


That is freaky! Now I'm in the mood to watch something scary.

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That is freaky! Now I'm in the mood to watch something scary.


Try Fox "News". :laugh:

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They are real, I have had a number of personal experiences, some I have photographed. Some are as real and solid looking as you or I, others appear as a smoky kind of energy or as a crystalline ball of energy with subtle but vibrant gold, green or purple colored centers. The occurrences all happened on sunny bright days and the latest at 8:00 at night while the sun was still up. They happened in different cities. I am a professional male, a Christian with a strong science background.

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The idea that a person's mind lingers on after death in some quasi-tangible form is not a good explanation for sightings of apparitions or mysterious noises heard in old houses.

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Danny, how do you explain hearing a voice in your head telling you where they are standing and than you take a picture of that location and after reviewing the photo, their image appears in the photo? I have the photo.

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Danny, how do you explain hearing a voice in your head telling you where they are standing and than you take a picture of that location and after reviewing the photo, their image appears in the photo? I have the photo.


That's freaky!


I was scared last night in my bed after watching that clip on youtube. No thanks. I don't like stuff like that and I don't want to mess with them.

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young, I think these things are around us all the time and only become more noticeable as you become more sensitive.

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Speaking as a man of faith, yes I do believe in a spiritual realm populated by beings who routinely evade the senses. None of these beings are described in my tradition as human or even formerly human, though, and I have to consequently look upon the subject of ghosts (traditionally defined as departed human beings) with light skepticism.

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Speaking as a man of faith, yes I do believe in a spiritual realm populated by beings who routinely evade the senses. None of these beings are described in my tradition as human or even formerly human, though, and I have to consequently look upon the subject of ghosts (traditionally defined as departed human beings) with light skepticism.


I think the demonic ghosts are strictly limited to the realm of sleep and visions. They can also host bodies. But in order to be able to "see" them, you cannot be in a normal conscious state.


Contrast that with the good ghosts. These don't ever get noticed for the reason that they could be an ordinary person walking past you in the city, coming in stealth to execute God's will and desiring not to bring any attention to themselves.


This is why the subject of ghosts, etc, will never be conspicuous and generally accepted. Each side (good and bad) has its reasons for remaining hidden: the bad doesn't come out because they CAN'T (thanks be to God), and the good doesn't come out because they WON'T since they refuse to glorify themselves.

Edited by M30USA
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No, I don't and never have. Here is my 2 cents on this: if you really think hard you can imagine seeing, feeling or even hearing things. The human mind is so powerful that it can make you confuse reality from your own perception.

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No, I don't and never have. Here is my 2 cents on this: if you really think hard you can imagine seeing, feeling or even hearing things. The human mind is so powerful that it can make you confuse reality from your own perception.


That position is one born out of fear and lack of knowledge on the subject.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find it fascinating so many people claim there are ghosts, but none has ever been able to prove it on queue. The argument "They only reveal themselves to certain people at certain times" gets used over and over as an excuse as to why they didn't show up.


I had an ex-girlfriend who was convinced about her ghost in her house. Spent many nights over there with her and the only thing I witnessed was a brief brownout. Hmm, it must be a ghost. Turns out that she has many emotional problems which could be the real ghost withing her own mind.


It's also fascinating from a logical standpoint as to why people want to contribute external forces on emotional response and inexplicable events.



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No I don't believe in them. I believe in ghost stories about as much as I believe in religion. Not a shred of proof has ever been given apart from a couple of blurred videos. Ever notice how all paranormal videos are recorded on low quality cameras and never show you anything? It just doesn't make sense for ghosts to exist. Surely they have better things to do with their afterlife than to jerk us around with disembodied rattling.


A lot of times people describe getting a "vibe" and sensing a relative is there. That's a classic way of your mind to play tricks on you. Or bringing up weird coincidences. Well you're bound to get one right out of every couple of hundred. My mum is convinced something is up because the night my great grandmother died I asked about her (we lived in different countries). Hmmm, I'll need more than that.

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I like the "idea" of ghosts, but I don't believe in them. I like creepy stories and I'm fascinated by the paranormal genre but only insofar as it's fun to expand my imagination.


When I was a kid, we lived in a "haunted house". We experienced some freaky things. We lived in a very big old house with a rich history. There were trap/secret doors behind closets with corridors that had passageways that led to other trap doors and other rooms. You could pop the trap door through a closet in one bedroom, and come out from a closet in another room.


I used to wait for my little brother to go to bed, then creep through the hidden passage to his bedroom closet- then Pop out of his closet and scare the crap out of him.:eek::laugh:


We had an ongoing family banter about the house being haunted. We had a big, heavy front door and it always used to just swing open on its own. We'd be sitting eating dinner and the door would just slowly open. It would be latched, and you'd hear the click as it unlatched, and it would slowly swing open like some unseen force was coming in. We often came down in the morning to the front door wide open- even though my dad swore he'd locked it.


It was all light hearted and fun to talk about living in a haunted house. The house had a rich history- including a death that the neighbours gossiped might have been a murder. As a kid, I embraced the stories of being haunted, but didn't embrace the reality we were living in a haunted house.


The notion of ghosts are cool to imagine- which is why I love a good ghost story.

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The Introvert

I am sure Ghosts exist but they are not concerned with people they were never involved with in their 'lives'.Ghosts are usually around for revenge.I live in a haunted house but I have never been affected by it in any way though I notice strange things happen at my place.

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Wow, haunted houses freak me out. Just looking at them is bad enough.


You lot are brave!


I remember using an outreach building for work and I stopped at the doorway and couldn't go in. I asked the receptionist what the building was used for at the doorway as I felt chilled to the bone. She told me it used to be a mortuary.


I did go in but it was creepy-as-****. Didn't go back there and made sure I said prayers to make sure any ghosts didn't follow me home, lol.




Take care,

Eve x

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Yes but one is more likely to encounter a demonic spirit masquerading as a human spirit. I have been involved in the paranormal for a number of years. There is an unseen world that touches ours, revealing the reality of its existence. The veil separating the two is growing thinner by the day. The physical and the spiritual co-exist, inseparable parts of each other thus leaving no middle ground according to sacred texts. The world is increasingly encountering unseen forces possessing intelligence, intent and volition.


Each paranormal investigator or researcher’s objective is to prove the continuity of our existence. Since the inception of the Spiritualist Movement in 1848, there have not been any major breakthroughs or revelations regarding the unseen realm or the state of the dead. I believe that most questions regarding our post-mortem existence can be found in sacred texts as spirit entities, collectively, are not revealing their secrets. There seems to be a religious context to the paranormal in terms of behavior and philosophy…spirit entities hiding behind a façade as well.


As a result of my research and field investigations, my religious view of cosmology remains intact save the location of one of its components – “Hades,” the “netherworld” or the “realm of the dead.” In the grand scheme of things, its location means very little in regards to it being a subterraneal abode for the dead or just a dimension bleeding into ours. I believe, however, knowing its location can answer many questions in interpreting paranormal phenomena.

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I believe in ghosts (whatever a ghost is). Years ago there was a "ghost" in our house. From our experiences we believe it to be a child's spirit (energy, whatever a ghost is). My wife woke up and saw it as a large orb one night in our bedroom. A large ball of light bounced around our room for a few minutes. Another time I heard it laughing as it walked around the bedroom. I was alone in the bedroom resting with the door closed. It was broad daylight and late morning when this happened. I heard what I thought was my young daughter. I knew that I was alone but still heard a child's voice and footsteps. I sat up in the bed and followed the voice/giggling as it moved across the room. I even got to the point of saying out loud "I know this is crazy but I'm going to look under the bed to see if one of my kids is under there pranking me." There was no one else in the room.


After a few weeks of weird stuff going on in the house, things returned to normal and I believe that the ghost left.

Edited by Betrayed&Stayed
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Tell me your experiences with spirits. Any negative or positive.


The only spirits I have experience with are the ones hanging off the wall.


I have not once been shown any evidence, argument, data or reasoning to lend even a modicum of credence to the existence of the other type, or after lives or any of that stuff.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I suspect that you will find a strong correlation between the belief in ghosts and the belief in gods. I would also imagine (no data on this, but I would bet money) that there is also a strong connection between believers in gods/ghosts and those who believe in aliens visiting earth.

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As a practical matter, there is no mystery about where the energy associated with life goes when we die. It is lost to the environment in the form of heat.


This notion that conservation of energy is suggestive of an afterlife is so wrong on so many levels that it makes me want to scream.

OMG - thank you for this! This kind of stuff - along with the ignorant misappropriation of the concepts of quantum physics to "prove" it - drives me nuts!

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