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Worried about my relationship

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I've been in a relationship for about 8 months now and it started off perfect with a really caring boy who had all the time in the world for me. But lately our relationship has gone down hill, we only see each other twice a week if I make the effort never him and I've noticed that he's started to watch and read really explicit porn. I've even seen him on sex chat forums. We now hardly ever have sex and I don't understand why porn would be better than the real thing. I've tried to speak to him but I got told if I couldn't accept the porn it was over. Really not sure what to do????

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Well, you do not like his porn addiction. He clearly gave you the option and answer. Do you really want a boyfriend who chooses porn over his girl? He is neglecting your needs, and this relationship is all but dead do to it.


Ask yourself if you feel like he is trying to work this out? Ask yourself if it is worth any of your efforts or time? Is he being neglectful? Did he offer you a choice no one should offer their girl?


You know the answer. Why sit around and be neglected? He made the choice for you.

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I love porn, but I wouldn't be ok with being ignored and not treated like I was wanted.


Meh, move on.

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I placed this answer in your other thread, too.


He is disrespectful, doesn't communicate with you, and is surly and stubborn.

If you were to ditch him it would make no difference to him; frankly, he doesn't care what you do, whether you stay or go.


But the more you stay, the more it will erode your self-respect and dignity.

The only thing with marginally less self-esteem and dignity, will be a doormat.


Don't let him do this to you.

Don't plead, beg, try to reason, or discuss this with him.

You've tried all that and it hasn't worked.



Take whatever dignity you can salvage with you, and go.


You deserve better than this.

If you stay, you will love, respect and consider yourself important, measurably less than he does.


Don't treat yourself worse than he treats you.

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