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Can a girlfriend be too attractive ???

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My girlfriend is very attractive but at times it bothers me because her sexy figure attracts the eyes of other guys. To be blunt, she has very large breasts, which along with her thin waist, makes for a combination that guys can't help notice. This guy she knows offered a free trip to Florida for both of us if she were to model a designer swimsuit for a magazine he worked for while on the Florida beach. I didn't like the idea of some guy taking pictures of her but she really didn't want to pass up the trip, so we ended up going. While all of the other girls at the photo shoot had fairly modest swimsuits, my girlfriend's swimsuit, if you were even to call it that, was anything but modest. It consisted of three small seashells held together by a few strings. The bottom shell was so little that she had to shave off all her pubic hair in order to wear it, while the top shells left all of her breasts completely exposed except for just the nipples. I didn’t know about this until she came out of the changing room. When she stepped out onto the public beach, I heard some black guy call to a group of his friends to come see the “naked white girl”. A whole bunch of creeps came around to gawk as she climbed up on some rocks to be photographed. Some made crude comments about the size of her breasts and how they bounced and jiggled as she walked or climbed on the rocks. Other comments I’d rather not say. My girlfriend, who normally is quite modest in her attire felt humiliated by the whole thing and I was really bothered by it. I eventually had enough and put a towel around her and took her away. As it ended up, her pictures were not used by the magazine because they were considered far to revealing. I told a friend of mine that I almost prefer she was less attractive so I wouldn’t have to always worry about other guys looking lustfully at her, but he says I’m crazy. He says any guy would love to have a girlfriend as sexy as she is and I should be thrilled with it. Can a guy have a girlfriend who’s too attractive for his own comfort?

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you have nothing to worry about if you girlfriend is not flaunting herself around. you seem to have a lot of insecurities that you have to deal with if you feel that you are in copetition with these other guys that find your girlfriend attractive. if your girlfriend really loves you and wants to be with you then she will not think about any of these other guys that find her extremly attractive. if she did leave you for another guy then she was not worth your time anyway. you have nothing to worry about with these other guys because you seem like a very nice guy who cares about his girlfriend a lot and that is what every woman is looking for. i dont think it is possible for a partner to be too attractive for ones own comfort. i feel it is more a matter of ones self esteem.

My girlfriend is very attractive but at times it bothers me because her sexy figure attracts the eyes of other guys. To be blunt, she has very large breasts, which along with her thin waist, makes for a combination that guys can't help notice. This guy she knows offered a free trip to Florida for both of us if she were to model a designer swimsuit for a magazine he worked for while on the Florida beach. I didn't like the idea of some guy taking pictures of her but she really didn't want to pass up the trip, so we ended up going. While all of the other girls at the photo shoot had fairly modest swimsuits, my girlfriend's swimsuit, if you were even to call it that, was anything but modest. It consisted of three small seashells held together by a few strings. The bottom shell was so little that she had to shave off all her pubic hair in order to wear it, while the top shells left all of her breasts completely exposed except for just the nipples. I didn’t know about this until she came out of the changing room. When she stepped out onto the public beach, I heard some black guy call to a group of his friends to come see the “naked white girl”. A whole bunch of creeps came around to gawk as she climbed up on some rocks to be photographed. Some made crude comments about the size of her breasts and how they bounced and jiggled as she walked or climbed on the rocks. Other comments I’d rather not say. My girlfriend, who normally is quite modest in her attire felt humiliated by the whole thing and I was really bothered by it. I eventually had enough and put a towel around her and took her away. As it ended up, her pictures were not used by the magazine because they were considered far to revealing. I told a friend of mine that I almost prefer she was less attractive so I wouldn’t have to always worry about other guys looking lustfully at her, but he says I’m crazy. He says any guy would love to have a girlfriend as sexy as she is and I should be thrilled with it. Can a guy have a girlfriend who’s too attractive for his own comfort?
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you know the song : "if you want to be happy for the rest of your life you gotta make an ugly girl your wife"… just kidding- hey if you have a beautiful girl- more power to ya man. I wouldn't worry too much. As long as your good to each other, then you deserve each other. Stand up for your self, be proud and when people say stuff that you don't like, tell'em to rest their jaw!

My girlfriend is very attractive but at times it bothers me because her sexy figure attracts the eyes of other guys. To be blunt, she has very large breasts, which along with her thin waist, makes for a combination that guys can't help notice. This guy she knows offered a free trip to Florida for both of us if she were to model a designer swimsuit for a magazine he worked for while on the Florida beach. I didn't like the idea of some guy taking pictures of her but she really didn't want to pass up the trip, so we ended up going. While all of the other girls at the photo shoot had fairly modest swimsuits, my girlfriend's swimsuit, if you were even to call it that, was anything but modest. It consisted of three small seashells held together by a few strings. The bottom shell was so little that she had to shave off all her pubic hair in order to wear it, while the top shells left all of her breasts completely exposed except for just the nipples. I didn’t know about this until she came out of the changing room. When she stepped out onto the public beach, I heard some black guy call to a group of his friends to come see the “naked white girl”. A whole bunch of creeps came around to gawk as she climbed up on some rocks to be photographed. Some made crude comments about the size of her breasts and how they bounced and jiggled as she walked or climbed on the rocks. Other comments I’d rather not say. My girlfriend, who normally is quite modest in her attire felt humiliated by the whole thing and I was really bothered by it. I eventually had enough and put a towel around her and took her away. As it ended up, her pictures were not used by the magazine because they were considered far to revealing. I told a friend of mine that I almost prefer she was less attractive so I wouldn’t have to always worry about other guys looking lustfully at her, but he says I’m crazy. He says any guy would love to have a girlfriend as sexy as she is and I should be thrilled with it. Can a guy have a girlfriend who’s too attractive for his own comfort?
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As long as you and your Girlfriend have a strong relationship, I don't see that there is any problem. You seem like a nice guy, and you probably have a great girl. So, don't worry about it. and I do agree that it would partially be a self-esteem thing for you. though, I know that I am the type that can get jealous fairly easily. So, I know that sometimes it can be easy to preach the word, but hard to stick to it. Hope I helped ya out.



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The swimsuit modeling episode seems to be one tiny part of your overall problem with guys giving udue attention to your girlfriend.


If you have a very attractive girlfriend, my guess is that you probably aren't very attracted to average looking females. This is probably not the first girl you've had this issue with. You keep picking to voluptuous babes and this is what you face.


Physical attraction is what brings most people together initially, since we don't know them otherwise in the beginning. Sexual attraction is important later on. So it's important that both of you are physically attracted to each other.


It sounds like your girlfriend is perfectly capable of handling herself amongst the gawkers. There is nothing you can do about men who eye your girl over, no matter where you are at. It is illegal for you to slug them all. So if you are to stay in the dating game with ladies you who are attractive to you, and therefore attractive to others, you just better get used to rude, classless, inconsiderate slobs who undress your girlfriend in their minds for their benefit.


With regards to the photo shoot, I think it takes a special type of professional model to handle the circumstances you described. In the future, if your girl is offered these kinds of jobs, have her get paid half up front along with a contract that clearly stipulates what she will wear and what she will reveal. Then you'll know what she means when she tells you she's going to hang out with the photographer.


So you better just get used to the fact that men are going to admire you gal. Frankly, I don't feel an ounce of pity for a guy with such a great looking gal at his side.


Following are some lyrics from a song that was popular in the 60's:


If you want to be happy for the rest of your life,


never make a pretty woman your wife,


From my personal point of view,


Pick an ugly girl to marry you.


There are some problems you must face with having a very attractive gal but there are benefits as well. Fortunately or unfortunately, father time has a way of leveling the playing field of attractiveness.

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If you 2 have a trusting relationship, try not to worry too much. i know that sometimes guys feel threatened when other men check out their girlfriends, and when they look at them as an object. but guys will do that sometimes and make disrespectful comments to women because they are idiots and jealous of what they can't have.


just hold your head up, feel flattered, look at these guys and say, "but hey, she's going home with me pal". they can look but they can't touch. you love her, she loves you, so try and ignore the crude comments from these so called "men". they're not worth worrying about. be proud she wants you and be proud of her and make sure if someone offers her a job like that again, that she knows what she's getting herself in for first. some photographers can be dodgy and use all sorts of incentives, but at least she's learnt from that and is lucky to have you looking out for her in this respect.


My girlfriend is very attractive but at times it bothers me because her sexy figure attracts the eyes of other guys. To be blunt, she has very large breasts, which along with her thin waist, makes for a combination that guys can't help notice. This guy she knows offered a free trip to Florida for both of us if she were to model a designer swimsuit for a magazine he worked for while on the Florida beach. I didn't like the idea of some guy taking pictures of her but she really didn't want to pass up the trip, so we ended up going. While all of the other girls at the photo shoot had fairly modest swimsuits, my girlfriend's swimsuit, if you were even to call it that, was anything but modest. It consisted of three small seashells held together by a few strings. The bottom shell was so little that she had to shave off all her pubic hair in order to wear it, while the top shells left all of her breasts completely exposed except for just the nipples. I didn't know about this until she came out of the changing room. When she stepped out onto the public beach, I heard some black guy call to a group of his friends to come see the "naked white girl". A whole bunch of creeps came around to gawk as she climbed up on some rocks to be photographed. Some made crude comments about the size of her breasts and how they bounced and jiggled as she walked or climbed on the rocks. Other comments I'd rather not say. My girlfriend, who normally is quite modest in her attire felt humiliated by the whole thing and I was really bothered by it. I eventually had enough and put a towel around her and took her away. As it ended up, her pictures were not used by the magazine because they were considered far to revealing. I told a friend of mine that I almost prefer she was less attractive so I wouldn't have to always worry about other guys looking lustfully at her, but he says I'm crazy. He says any guy would love to have a girlfriend as sexy as she is and I should be thrilled with it. Can a guy have a girlfriend who's too attractive for his own comfort?
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Voluptuous girls are usually not the ones fashion magazines pick for models and that free trip to Florida sounds a little "iffy," in terms of: You don't get something for nothing. That is where I would see the problem, not that guys are always gawking at a beautiful girl.


I too have had the experience of being offered to model bathingsuits by less-than-reputable photographers, who were mainly interested in seeing me semi-nude, with no intention of publishing the pictures. The problem is her willingness to take money for getting almost naked.


My feeling is that it is a good thing you went with her, not because she is not trustworthy, but because of the circumstances (not pubishing the picture, the seashell bikini that is not seriously something a woman would wear on the beach, the free trip from a freelance photographer instead of one of the numerous creditable modeling agencies). There are too many cases of sham seduction artists who use these tactics to lure their prey.

If you 2 have a trusting relationship, try not to worry too much. i know that sometimes guys feel threatened when other men check out their girlfriends, and when they look at them as an object. but guys will do that sometimes and make disrespectful comments to women because they are idiots and jealous of what they can't have. just hold your head up, feel flattered, look at these guys and say, "but hey, she's going home with me pal". they can look but they can't touch. you love her, she loves you, so try and ignore the crude comments from these so called "men". they're not worth worrying about. be proud she wants you and be proud of her and make sure if someone offers her a job like that again, that she knows what she's getting herself in for first. some photographers can be dodgy and use all sorts of incentives, but at least she's learnt from that and is lucky to have you looking out for her in this respect.
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I agree with Deejette and the rest of the responses.


The whole trip sounds fishy. But you said that she felt


humiliated and embarrassed. So chances are she won't


do this kind of thing again, will she?


About her good looks, don't worry.


Well if she's wearing very revealing clothing like you see


on some of the talk shows and she's getting all that attention, then you might want to point that out.


But I don't think this is true.


Whenever I hang out with a good friend of mine, and we're


passing by a gorgeous woman, he'll stop and tell her how beautiful she is. He doesn't say it in a degrading way. He'll just say "my GOD!! you are one BEAUTIFUL lady!"


Well of course this has caused many problems. Because most of the girls have been walking with their boyfriend or husband.


Do you know how many guys were ready to kick the crap out of him? For complimenting his girlfriend. Well he would just tell them to their face "hey I was COMPLIMENTING her, not insulting her. I know she's with you. You should be happy, not upset..because she's YOUR girl. And you should take it as a compliment yourself." And they'd usually shut up afterwards.


No matter what you do, she'll still get these comments. So you'll have to put up with them. Next time, don't let it bother you, cause they'll be thinking "he's one lucky guy".


Personally, I think she's one LUCKY GIRL, for having such a wonderful caring boyfriend as yourself.

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