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Would i have the right the be mad if my boyfriend was

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My live in boyfriend was talking on a weekly basis to a so called best friend of his, ( a female). This person who he has had sex with on a few occasions in the past. I was extremely mad expecially because the first time we were going out he left me for his ex-girlfriend. So he knew that i allready had some trust issues with him, so now he was talking to some other chick he has slept with on a weekly basis (as far as he will admit). And he beleives i shouldnt be mad , but he never told me before he was talking to her at all untill i figured it out. Do you all beleive i am being silly in getting upset?

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He sounds shady and I think you have every right to be a. jealous and b. concerned...the fact that he didn't tell you he was still talking to her until you figured it out...well, in my opinion, withholding the truth is not OK.....Why does he need to talk to her..? He has a gf now...he should be directing his time towards you...

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I don't know if it makes him 'unfaithful' or even shady because he didn't mention that he was talking to this girl. Maybe he thought you would get really upset if you knew? I didn't tell my boyfriend about all of the people I talked to. If you're in a relationship with him and you already don't trust him, that's probably not a good sign, though. Unless you actually trust him, you will be suspicious of everything he does and says and you could make yourself go crazy!!



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I wouldn't like the idea of my boyfriend's best friend being a female in the first place. If I was in your situation I would feel really hurt that he didn't tell me he was talking to her until I found out.

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Originally posted by sadangel

My live in boyfriend was talking on a weekly basis to a so called best friend of his, ( a female)........... Do you all beleive I am being silly in getting upset?

You have every right to get upset. but you should also define your relationship. Some people want to have more than one sexual partner. I don't think that’s all that bad as long as each understands what’s going on. Cheating on someone's back is not good.....Ask him if it would be okay to talk to your guy friends....that’s should tell you something.
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