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analyze this, am I over analyzing.


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I am currently have been seeing a physiotherapist who I fancy, but I'm not sure if she likes me also the same way I do.


I have been seeing her for a month and a half now on a weekly/biweekly basis, so I dont get to see her that much. Situation is that she is my sisters friend and she is 5 years older than I.


She did catch me looking at her when she was with another client, and she winked back. She also sometimes winks at me during a conversation. Is this just a friendly gesture.


For some reason her tone of voice is changing to my "goofyness" and I sortuv like it. The last time I met her she was writing a letter for me and after writing it she passed it to me, I said thank you she walked behind me then touched my left arm with her hand.


She has already brought up a few times that I am quite fit, and that I am the most knowledgeble patient when coming into therapy. Furthermore she has commented on my neckless and my hair.


The problem is she has already mentioned her ex a few times since I started seeing her, but No information at all about him, and she does not seem extatic when she brings it up.


What should I do next time I see her? Does she like me? Im thinking I have to make my move next time I see her b4 I dont see her again, I am healing..... Am I analyzing this signs too much or are they really nothing.

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I doubt she's treating you differently from other patients. People in these professions are often very friendly. Don't mistake it for anything more.

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